Times of Malta

FROM THE ONLINE COMMENTS BOARD ‘€8 million for two film festivals but nothing for local producers’: lobbyists

Producers call for a film policy, investment in local production­s

- Or direction of films. Ħallas Ġaħan! – PC dInGlI

What a disgrace, a spend of €8 million, while I have to spend €50 monthly from my pension to buy medicine as the government offers generic tablets on the POYC. Shame. And where are the citizens’ priorities, sur gvern? – GOdWIn dAllI

Policies will only work if there is accountabi­lity. Unfortunat­ely, this word is foreign to Malta. – JOSePh MICAllef

Malta has had a small film industry for decades. The industry is based on word of mouth. The recent 40 per cent refund scheme might have enticed a few producers to try it out. But spending €8 million in 12 months on two gala dinners and paid travel invites of some people in the industry

does nothing for it in the long run. – PAUl PUllICInO

from Blockchain island, to AI island, to Bitcoin island, to film mecca, we always need to find something innovative to spend taxpayers’ money. – T. BOrG

Oh c’mon, let’s stop pretending, this has nothing to do with movies or investment, much like roads, flyovers and almost anything this government does.

This is yet another ploy to siphon off taxpayers’ money and give it to the needy

friends of friends! – STePhen BOrG

“The government says it’s because local films have been transferre­d from the film commission to the arts council.” So the question begs: what is the film commission doing?

Answer: As far as can be ascertaine­d, it is throwing very, very expensive parties to entertain people, like Michelle Muscat and her daughter, who, on the face of it, know nothing about films and have nothing to do with production

This is not wasted money and whoever sees it this way either doesn’t have any idea how an investment works or, likely, is deliberate­ly pretending not to understand to play the fool.

like every investment, there is an initial capital outlay which, in turn, is expected to “yield” returns, called return on investment. This sector has created hundreds of jobs for the Maltese and subsequent­ly contribute­d to the multiplier effect where we have seen a huge concoction to our economy.

local films are mostly intended for cultural enrichment as they seldom yield any financial gain and, without underestim­ating their contributi­on in cultural terms, can never be confused with the goals and objectives of the organisati­on under attack. They are two separate matters. – JAMeS CAlleJA

A few months ago, we were told that for every €1 spent Malta will get €3 back.

how much will Malta get back this time? – lAWrenCe MIfSUd

 ?? PHOTO: SHUTTERSTO­CK.COM ?? Local film producers claim they have been unable to access any government funding.
PHOTO: SHUTTERSTO­CK.COM Local film producers claim they have been unable to access any government funding.

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