Times of Malta

Quarry dust makes things ‘unbearable’ for residents


Dust from a gigantic pile of constructi­on sand stored at the Attard Wied Inċita quarry has been blown over neighbouri­ng areas causing “great inconvenie­nce” to residents of Rabat, Attard and Żebbuġ.

The strong winds that blew over the past week made things “unbearable”, some residents said as they reached out to Times of Malta to complain about the dust that was infiltrati­ng homes, coating gardens and increasing asthma attacks.

Quarry owner Michael Bugeja said he would be taking action and will be removing the sand that had to be temporaril­y placed on higher ground – where it was more exposed to the wind. The process of clearing the sand should take about five days, he said.

The issue was also flagged on social media by former Nationalis­t MP Jefferey Pullicino Orlando who spoke about the “massive inconvenie­nce” that he experience­d as a resident of Żebbuġ. In the post, he also spoke about how Bugeja had reached out to him to assure him that action would be taken.

Attard mayor Stefan Cordina said that, over the past

weeks, residents had complained about the dust and the air quality.

“Removing the mound of sand will help immensely, although we are talking about a quarry that is in operation, so there is no guarantee that no more dust will be blown on windy days,” he said.

Żebbuġ mayor Steve Zammit Lupi said that residents also complained about the dust and air quality, adding that “the mountain of rubble and sand is very visible from people’s homes, apart from being an eyesore”.

This was not the first time that residents complained

about dust from the quarry. In 2009, residents had protested over the matter.

Meanwhile Bugeja, known as Il-Bilom, said he was trying to minimise the inconvenie­nce to residents.

As for the pile of dust, he said that this was placed there about six weeks ago, until he

could make space to relocate it lower down in the quarry where it was more sheltered from the wind.

He added that he had a pending applicatio­n to relocate the plant lower down in the quarry and build stores on the higher part to ensure this would not happen again.

Dust from a giant pile of constructi­on sand at the Wied Inċita quarry has been blown onto nearby houses by the strong winds. The contractor said it will be removed.
PHOTO: JONATHAN BORG nd Dust from a giant pile of constructi­on sand at the Wied Inċita quarry has been blown onto nearby houses by the strong winds. The contractor said it will be removed.

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