Times of Malta

No public consultati­on yet for climate and energy plans


Malta’s National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) has yet to be put up for public consultati­on, despite EU government­s having a deadline to submit these in nine days, an NGO has said.

In a statement yesterday, eNGO Friends of the Earth Malta (FOEM) said that EU member states have an obligation to draw up these plans which detail how they intend to address issues such as decarbonis­ation, energy efficiency, energy security, the internal energy market as well as research, innovation and competitiv­eness in the energy sector in order to meet EU climate targets.

But, despite the deadline for national government­s to submit these plans in nine days’ time, on June 30, the Maltese government has yet to communicat­e its plans publicly.

FOEM said that no formal public consultati­on process has taken place and neither a draft nor the final NECP document has been made publicly available, despite the NGO attempting to access informatio­n about the document and the process since May 2023.

The group also said that it sent a letter to Energy Minister Miriam Dalli and Prime Minister Robert Abela highlighti­ng these facts. Dalli, they said, replied that a consultati­on process was “about to start in the coming days” but, to date, no open consultati­on has taken place.

According to the rules that guide the formation of the NECP, member states must make sure that the public and civil society are given the opportunit­y to participat­e in the drafting of these plans well before the document is finalised.

FOEM said that it fears that these obligation­s have not been met, even after explicit instructio­ns to do so were made by the European Commission in its recommenda­tions to Malta.

“Public participat­ion is essential for effective climate action and energy policy. Failing to implement obligatory public participat­ion processes is a failure of democratic decision-making,” Suzanne Maas, FOEM’s climate campaign coordinato­r, said.

“The government of Malta has thus far not enabled the public to participat­e in the preparatio­n of the NECP and has failed to establish a multilevel climate and energy dialogue to discuss different scenarios for energy and climate policies,” the statement continues.

“With the deadline in sight, it is now too late for ‘early and effective’ opportunit­ies to participat­e in the preparatio­n of the draft and final NECP as stipulated.”

“Public participat­ion is essential

 ?? ?? Energy Minister Miriam Dalli. PHOTO: MATTHEW MIRABELLI
Energy Minister Miriam Dalli. PHOTO: MATTHEW MIRABELLI

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