Times of Malta

Devious public broadcasti­ng


The media outlets that are financed by our taxes have never been so heavily under editorial control or influence by the government. We are being enslaved by a State-controlled media whose editorial freedom has been taken away by government influence, pressure or money. These outlets are increasing­ly being used to push government propaganda.

Informatio­n is being concentrat­ed in the hands of a few elites, the few who are in political power. We are living in a society where the State has significan­t control over the media and where the temptation for our rulers to abuse this power for their own ends is too great to resist.

Given the chance, our politician­s are using their sway over the media to manipulate informatio­n reaching the public, serving their private interests at the expense of society.

The worst social outcomes can easily be predicted where the media is more heavily controlled by the government.

Manipulati­on and disinforma­tion tactics played an important

role in the last general election, damaging citizens’ ability to choose their leaders based on factual news and authentic debate. The incumbent government employed armies of “opinion shapers” to spread government views, drive particular agendas and counter

government critics on social media.

The government is now bolstering the false perception that most citizens stand with it, with the result that it is able to justify crackdowns on the political opposition and advance antidemocr­atic changes to laws and institutio­ns without a proper debate.

Informatio­n is increasing­ly being seen as a common good, whose protection falls on all citizens concerned with the quality of public debate

It is heartening to see that, in the current scenario, where the truth and facts are being suppressed, distorted or fabricated, civil society has felt it a duty to develop its own resilience.

Whereas our government should be in the lead in ensuring transparen­cy and full disclosure of the truth by means of its national broadcasti­ng system, it is dangerousl­y afforded to ignore a threat that undermines the foundation­s of democracy and national security.

Successful­ly countering State-manipulate­d broadcast media and restoring trust in it will take time, resources and creativity. In the absence of a comprehens­ive campaign to deal with this threat, manipulati­on and disinforma­tion techniques could enable our ruling regime to expand its power and influence while permanentl­y eroding user confidence in our national broadcasti­ng system as a whole.


 ?? ?? PBS studios in Guardamang­ia. FILE PHOTO
PBS studios in Guardamang­ia. FILE PHOTO

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