Times of Malta

Putin to visit N. Korea as Kremlin floats possible ‘strategic’ treaty


Russian President Vladimir Putin is set to travel to North Korea today in a rare visit that may see Moscow sign a “strategic partnershi­p treaty” with Pyongyang, the Kremlin said.

The historic trip – which the Kremlin called a “friendly state visit” – comes as Putin seeks ammunition to continue his military offensive in Ukraine and as the West suspects Pyongyang of sending weapons to Moscow.

“Several documents will be signed,” among which will be “important, highly significan­t documents”, Kremlin aide Yuri Ushakov was quoted as saying by state-run Russian news agencies.

This may include a “strategic partnershi­p” document that will be an updated version of a 1961 Soviet-era agreement and one signed when Putin last visited the reclusive state in 2000, he said.

The document will be changed to adapt to a “deep evolution of the geopolitic­al situation in the world and the region”, Ushakov said.

Russia is now, along with North Korea, one of the most heavily sanctioned countries in the world and Moscow has spent months warming its relations with Pyongyang as it faces isolation in the West.

Several documents will be signed

Western countries have accused North Korea of sending weapons to Russia for use in Ukraine, which Moscow and Pyongyang have denied. Kyiv has said it has found North Korean shells on the battlefiel­d.

Moscow said Putin will arrive in Pyongyang this

evening, where he will attend a concert in his honour, before signing “important” documents with leader Kim Jong Un tomorrow.

The Kremlin chief will be taking a large delegation including his foreign, defence, health,

transport and space ministers, and may speak to the press along with Kim, Ushakov said.

Washington and Seoul say Russia has provided Pyongyang with technical help for its satellite programme and sent aid to the food-strapped state. (AFP)

 ?? PHOTO: ALEXANDER ?? Russia’s President Vladimir Putin meeting with the Moscow Region Governor in Moscow, yesterday. KAZAKOV/POOL/AFP
PHOTO: ALEXANDER Russia’s President Vladimir Putin meeting with the Moscow Region Governor in Moscow, yesterday. KAZAKOV/POOL/AFP

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