Times of Malta

UN forecasts La Niña could help lower temperatur­es this year


The return of the cooling La Niña weather phenomenon this year should help lower temperatur­es somewhat after months of global heat records, the United Nations’ weather agency said yesterday.

The impact is likely to be felt in the next few months because the warming El Niño weather pattern – which has helped fuel a spike in global temperatur­es and extreme weather around the world since mid-2023 – “is showing signs of ending”, the UN’s World Meteorolog­ical Organisati­on said in its latest update.

The WMO warned, however, that global temperatur­es would continue to rise in the long term due to human-induced climate change, which continues to make extreme weather worse and upend seasonal rainfall and temperatur­e patterns.

La Niña refers to the cooling of the ocean surface temperatur­es in large swathes of the tropical Pacific Ocean, coupled with winds, rains and changes in atmospheri­c pressure.

In many locations, especially in the tropics, La Niña produces the opposite climate impacts to El Niño, which heats up the surface of the oceans, leading to drought in some parts of the world and triggering heavy downpours elsewhere.

The WMO said there was a “60 per cent” chance of La Niña conditions in the period from July to September and a “70 per cent” likelihood during August-November.

The chances of El Niño redevelopi­ng are negligible, it added. Every month since June 2023, when El Niño returned, has set a new high temperatur­e record, and 2023 was by far the warmest year on record globally. (AFP)

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