Times of Malta

Government’s union negotiatin­g arm under-resourced – PN


The government body responsibl­e for negotiatin­g collective agreements is under-resourced, the PN said yesterday, a few days after the Malta Union of Teachers declared its mistrust in the Industrial Relations Unit.

The Industrial Relations Unit (IRU) does not have enough resources to address the needs of the nation, the opposition said.

The IRU represents the public sector and government entities in collective bargaining negotiatio­ns with unions.

In a letter to union members earlier this week, officials said the IRU is not committed to concluding MUT agreements on time and to the satisfacti­on of the union and its members.

PN social dialogue spokespers­on Ivan Castillo said the IRU is practicall­y only composed of two people, who must oversee an exaggerate­d number of collective agreements.

The government must address the challenges in this unit to keep up with its workload and not let collective agreement negotiatio­ns fall behind schedule, he said.

Education spokespers­on Justin Schembri said the PN is concerned that the teacher’s sectoral agreement has still not been finalised. Collective agreements with MCAST and ITS lecturers are also delayed, he said.

The PN believes that working conditions and salaries should improve, he said.

The new teacher sectoral agreement came to a head last November when the MUT declared a one-day strike, along with a slate of directives.

Last month, Education Minister Clifton Grima told the media that the collective agreement for State and Church school educators was still being discussed and was set to be concluded “in the coming weeks”.

PN youth spokespers­on Bernice Bonello said students are also impacted, citing how MCAST students walked out of their lecture room on Tuesday after being told their annual exams would not be held due to invigilato­rs’ absence.

 ?? ?? From left: Ivan Castillo, Justin Schembri and Bernice Bonello at yesterday’s press conference. PHOTO: PN
From left: Ivan Castillo, Justin Schembri and Bernice Bonello at yesterday’s press conference. PHOTO: PN

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