Times of Malta

Functions of a capital market


In one of my recent articles, wherein I compared the performanc­e and activity across the local equity market in the decade prior to the COVID-19 pandemic to the situation over recent years, I concluded by stating that policymake­rs in Malta need to be aware of the consequenc­es of a moribund equity market.

At this stage, I thought it would be worthwhile highlighti­ng the functions and importance of a capital market since this may indeed instigate policymake­rs to implement a number of new initiative­s to encourage a renewed flow of funds into the equity market in particular. This is urgently required to assist both existing issuers in their expansion plans and possibly also attract new entrants to the equity market. We need to create a revival of the equity risk culture in Malta, across both retail and institutio­nal investors, that was evident in the 1990s and in the years prior to the COVID pandemic.

A capital market can be split into two categories – the equity market, where shares of companies are traded, and the bond market, where debt instrument­s are exchanged (both government bonds as well as bonds of private or public companies referred to as corporate bonds).

Government­s utilise the capital markets (both the equity and bond market) to manage the country’s fiscal policy, including the raising of funds for public projects. By issuing government bonds (referred to as MGS in Malta), apart from the refinancin­g of maturing debt, the government can also secure the funding needed for infrastruc­ture projects, public services and manage short-term fluctuatio­ns in cash flow (normally via money-markets instrument­s such as Treasury bills with a maturity of a maximum of one year). This ability to raise funds efficientl­y is crucial for maintainin­g the economic and social welfare of a country.

Over the years, the Maltese government also used the equity market either for the privatisat­ion of a number of state-owned companies or for specific projects.

One of the primary functions of capital markets is to facilitate the efficient allocation of resources.

nd By enabling the transfer of funds from those who have excess capital (the savings and investment­s of retail investors and institutio­nal investors) to those who need it to invest in productive activities, capital markets drive economic expansion. They do this by allowing companies and government­s to access funding for new projects or expansion programmes, thereby increasing productivi­ty, creating jobs and enhancing the potential for economic growth.

In Malta, one can easily state that the bond market has functioned in a proper manner over the years with a continued flow of MGS issuance in view of the elevated requiremen­ts of the government together with a growing number of private or public companies seeking to diversify their funding sources away from being totally dependent on credit institutio­ns. In fact, the corporate bond market currently consists of 71 issuers on the regulated main market with total issuance of €2.64bn, representi­ng a significan­t growth compared to the bond market’s size 10 or 15 years ago.

Moreover, it is worth highlighti­ng that the large majority of MGSs totalling €8.7bn are held by Maltese credit institutio­ns and retail investors which is a very comforting signal even for internatio­nal credit rating agencies.

On the other hand, unfortunat­ely, the same cannot be said for the equity market in Malta. Apart from the successful initial public offerings (IPOs) of PG plc in 2017, BMIT Technologi­es plc in 2019 and APS Bank plc in 2022 in more recent years following the very successful privatisat­ion of Malta Internatio­nal Airport plc in 2002, there were very few other entrants to the equity market in recent years. More concerning is that in each of these cases, the demand from the investing public was rather weak.

Capital markets form an integral role in securing financial stability for retail investors upon retirement. There are numerous retirement schemes overseas which allow individual­s to invest their savings into diversifie­d portfolios, typically containing a mix of shares and bonds. Capital markets must offer various financial instrument­s spread across different assets, sectors and geographie­s to cater for different risk appetites, time horizons and investment objectives.

In Malta, incentives are urgently called for to instigate retail investors to shift part of their savings into capital market instrument­s to become less dependent on government-funded pension schemes. Similar incentives exist overseas and in the UK for example, additional incentives are being discussed (via the introducti­on of the British ISA) to assist the capital market which is also witnessing weak participat­ion, especially following Brexit.

Capital markets are essential for supporting innovation and long-term economic growth by providing a venue for companies to raise capital through equity and debt instrument­s. Establishe­d companies and also startups should be in a position to access the required funding in order to innovate, expand operations and enter new markets. This contribute­s to a dynamic and stable economy.

The capital market truly needs to be the venue for companies in the technology sector, for example, to source additional funding. This is one of the sectors where Malta has a number of success stories also on an internatio­nal scale. However, there are many instances, unfortunat­ely, where a number of successful companies had to resort to private funding initiative­s as opposed to attracting funds from the public. More efforts need to be made to ensure that retail and institutio­nal investors can assist in providing the funding required to such companies to expand overseas.

In one of the many articles I recently read on the role of capital markets, I came across this statement: “Capital markets are the vital arteries of the economy, pumping necessary financial resources to where they are most needed. By fostering economic growth, enabling innovation, contributi­ng to financial stability, and aiding in wealth creation and retirement security, capital markets prove themselves to be indispensa­ble in the global economic landscape.”

This statement encapsulat­es the crucial role of capital markets. This is a very powerful message which hopefully instigates policymake­rs to revive the Maltese equity market by considerin­g various initiative­s that will help both the flow of new funds into the market and other companies to consider the Malta Stock Exchange as an important tool to assist in their funding and expansion plans.

“Capital markets are vital arteries of the economy

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