Times of Malta

Man accused of raping former partner


A man was charged with raping his former partner yesterday after the woman disclosed that she had been assaulted while reporting a campaign of harassment to the police.

“‘Unwise’ to grant bail at this stage

Technician Mathihul Akmal Mohamed Jabir, 32, who is a Sri Lankan national residing in Gżira, was arraigned in front of Magistrate Joseph Gatt and accused of raping his partner while they were in a relationsh­ip as well as harassing her, spying on her and causing her to fear violence, among other charges.

Jabir pleaded not guilty. Police inspector John Spiteri told the court that, on March 19, the woman reported her exboyfrien­d for harassment and stalking.

While speaking to police officers and describing the behaviour that she had allegedly suffered at the hands of the accused, she disclosed that, on one occasion, on February 24, she had been “forced to engage in sexual conduct against her will”.

Subsequent­ly, the police attempted to arrest the accused but it turned out that Jabir was already airborne, having boarded a flight to his native Sri Lanka.

Upon discoverin­g that the accused was due to fly back to Malta yesterday morning, he was apprehende­d at the airport upon arrival.

Magistrate Gatt ruled that it would be “unwise” to grant bail at this stage given the gravity of the charges and because the court was not convinced that Jabir was capable of adhering to bail conditions.

He also issued a protection order in favour of the alleged victim.

AG lawyer Cynthia Tomasuolo and police inspectors Sherona Buhagiar and John Spiteri prosecuted.

Lawyer Joseph Calleja Parnis appeared for the accused. Lawyers Jacob Magri and Arthur Azzopardi appeared parte civile on behalf of the alleged victim.

 ?? ?? The accused was apprehende­d at the airport upon his arrival yesterday. PHOTO: JONATHAN BORG
The accused was apprehende­d at the airport upon his arrival yesterday. PHOTO: JONATHAN BORG

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