Times of Malta

Fearne, Scicluna likely to face lesser charges over Vitals deal

Three top civil servants are also expected to be charged


Chris Fearne, Edward Scicluna and three top civil servants will likely be charged with crimes related to the Vitals hospitals deal, Times of Malta is informed.

The five are believed to be within a second tier of suspects eyed for criminal prosecutio­n. While not suspected of having played leading roles in the fraudulent deal, they are understood to have come under scrutiny for potential derelictio­n of duty.

Fearne, currently EU Funds Minister, took over the hospitals concession when Konrad Mizzi resigned from cabinet in 2019. Scicluna, currently Central Bank governor, was finance minister at the time of the deal.

While Scicluna, 77, is at the twilight of his working career, the same cannot be said of Fearne, who is Malta’s nominee to become a European commission­er later this year.

In a Facebook post, Fearne said he still had no indication what the inquiry said and insisted there was nothing that could cause him embarrassm­ent.

Fearne recalled serious anonymous allegation­s had similarly surfaced last year and the police had concluded there were no grounds for any criminal action.

“I have no doubt there will be the same conclusion­s this time around. I have never broken any law or ministeria­l ethics,” the minister said, pointing out, however, that he could only speak on his behalf.

The prospect of facing criminal charges will still shock both men: neither was singled out for any blame by a National Audit Office investigat­ion into the deal and they barely featured in documents filed as part of a civil court case that led to the deal being annulled.

Sources said Fearne called for a vote of confidence from fellow Labour MPs on Thursday afternoon, insisting that he “never took a penny” from the hospitals deal.

Fearne told MPs he had no problem stepping down from his post but the parliament­ary group unanimousl­y backed him.

Speaking yesterday, Prime Minister Robert Abela appeared to back his deputy, saying he, not a magistrate, would decide who should resign from political office.

Times of Malta is, at this stage, not naming the civil servants likely to face criminal charges.

Lawyers at the Attorney General’s Office are currently poring over a magisteria­l inquiry into the deal that was concluded last week.

The inquiry was tasked with assessing whether Joseph Muscat or any of his

“I have never broken any law or ministeria­l ethics

ministers involved in the deal had committed crimes in negotiatin­g, approving or managing it.

Its contents remain secret but sources say Muscat, Mizzi and Keith Schembri are among those suspected of having committed money laundering-related offences. Muscat has gone on record saying that he has “no doubt” he will face criminal charges, saying the inquiry is politicall­y motivated. Mizzi and Schembri have not spoken publicly.

The hospitals deal handed three State hospitals – St Luke’s, Karin Grech and Gozo General Hospital – to Vitals Global Healthcare and, subsequent­ly, to Steward Health Care to run.

It was mired in controvers­y from the start and a National Audit Office investigat­ion concluded that Vitals should have been barred from bidding for the contract from the outset.

In 2023, a court annulled the deal altogether, following a civil case filed by former opposition leader Adrian Delia. The court concluded that Vitals – and later Steward – did not fulfil their contractua­l obligation­s, that the deal was tainted by fraud and that top government officials had colluded against the national interest to approve it. In parallel to that case, Magistrate Gabriella Vella was leading the inquiry concluded last week.

With the probe now concluded, it is up to attorney general lawyers to decide whether to file criminal charges against anyone involved.

Prime Minister Robert Abela says he would like the attorney general to publish the inquiry’s conclusion­s. But Abela has also sought to leverage the inquiry for political gain: he has publicly accused the magistrate who led it of being part of an “establishm­ent” that is out to damage Labour and said citizens would “scrutinise the judiciary” through their vote on June 8.

Polls suggest Labour enjoys a massive 10-point lead over the Nationalis­t Party and will win by up to 28,000 votes.

“Abela has accused the magistrate who led inquiry of being part of ‘establishm­ent’

 ?? ?? Chris Fearne (right) and Edward Scicluna. CHRIS SANT FOURNIER
Chris Fearne (right) and Edward Scicluna. CHRIS SANT FOURNIER

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