The Malta Independent on Sunday

BOV inaugurate­s its first Financial Well-being Centre in Floriana


Bank of Valletta’s first Financial Well-Being Centre officially opened its doors last week, marking a significan­t milestone in the local financial services sector. The opening was attended by the Bank’s Chairman Dr Gordon Cordina, CEO Kenneth Farrugia, Chief Personal and Wealth Officer Simon Azzopardi and Chief Operations Officer Ernest Agius.

The Financial Well-Being Centre, located in St Anne Street Floriana, offers a comprehens­ive service to both personal and business customers. Services offered include financial planning and budgeting, lending, investment­s and retirement planning. The service is offered specifical­ly through appointmen­ts with dedicated relationsh­ip managers or other specialise­d employees who are experts in their field, offering one-to-one personal meetings in a private space to ensure full client privacy and confidence. Customers will be served at their convenienc­e by the same persons who assist them at their branch; they can also request other experts for specific services.

In his opening address, Kenneth Farrugia, BOV CEO expressed his satisfacti­on at the Bank’s progress in taking customer experience to the next level. “We are truly pleased to open the Bank’s Financial WellBeing Centre in Floriana,” he said. “This is both a first for BOV and a first for the Maltese islands, in line with our mission to empower individual­s with the knowledge and tools they need to make sound and informed financial decisions. This new Centre represents a crucial step forward in our customerce­ntric driven strategy as we focus on taking a holistic approach to the Bank’s service experience.”

Simon Azzopardi, Chief Personal and Wealth Officer continued to expand on the Centre’s holistic approach to customer service. “Our Centre is specifical­ly designed to offer a wide spectrum of services that encompass all that our customers may need at every stage of their financial journey. We truly believe in the financial wellbeing of our customers and this personalis­ed, one-on-one approach will ensure that our clients receive expert advice that will truly help them meet their financial objectives.”

Dr Gordon Cordina, BOV Chairman highlighte­d the strategic importance of the Centre. “The establishi­ng of this Centre underscore­s the Bank’s commitment to fostering financial resilience in today’s society. We are intrinsica­lly linked to the Maltese economy and in our 50-year history have been present in the lives of the majority of Maltese. The Bank is ensuring that its physical presence in localities around Malta and Gozo is cemented not only by the traditiona­l branch, but also by other more innovative outlets, making the Bank even more relevant today. This Centre reinforces our aspiration­s to continue to be leaders and innovators in the financial sector and a catalyst for positive change.”

Customers wishing to discuss their financial circumstan­ces with our team at the new BOV

Financial Well-Being Centre can apply online for appointmen­ts. Alternativ­ely, they may scan the QR Code available outside the Centre itself to access the booking applicatio­n on

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 ?? ?? Left to right: Geoffrey – Head Personal Banking Channel, Ernest Agius – Chief Operations Officer, Kenneth Farrugia – CEO, Dr Gordon Cordina – Chairman, Norman Bonello – Valletta Branch Manager, Simon Azzopardi – Chief Personal & Wealth Officer
Left to right: Geoffrey – Head Personal Banking Channel, Ernest Agius – Chief Operations Officer, Kenneth Farrugia – CEO, Dr Gordon Cordina – Chairman, Norman Bonello – Valletta Branch Manager, Simon Azzopardi – Chief Personal & Wealth Officer

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