The Malta Independent on Sunday

‘Paradise Lost’: A solo exhibition by Jade Zammit

- Photo credits Jade Zammit photos in the studio : Anna Panasiuk

Paradise Lost marks the debut solo exhibition of Jade Zammit, a personal explorator­y journey. In this new body of work, Zammit confronts the fragility of paradises – both real and imagined – that are perpetuall­y “hanging by a thread“. How do these paradises unravel over time? What remains when the thread finally snaps, and the utopian visions dissolve into disillusio­nment? The works vary not just in form, but in their thematic undertones, reflecting the multifacet­ed nature of paradise itself – a concept that is as fragile as it is alluring. The exhibition is being held between 3 and 25 October at Palazzo De La Salle, Malta Society of Arts in Valletta.

Drawing upon the romanticis­ed portrayals of non-European cultures, Zammit uses the Gobelin tapestries housed in Valletta’s Grand Master’s Palace as a foundation­al reference. These 17th-century masterpiec­es, initially commission­ed to evoke awe, mystery and wonder, are reinterpre­ted through Zammit’s contempora­ry lens. Inspired by the idyllic yet ultimately disillusio­ning scenes in Paul Gauguin’s Tahitian series and the decaying world of colonial Africa as depicted in Ben Okri’s The Famished

Road, Zammit’s work weaves together threads of personal memory with broader themes of a deteriorat­ing paradise.

Zammit’s work delves into the discomfort associated with the loss of the natural world, a paradise that, like the tapestries she references, is both beautiful and precarious. Through an almost imaginary perspectiv­e, she evokes a deep sense of nostalgia, compelling us to reflect on the fragility of both personal and collective histories. How do we reconcile the idyllic pasts, whether personal or cultural, that have fragmented into unsettling realities?

As viewers, we are invited to journey through this exploratio­n with Zammit, reflecting on her perception­s of paradise. Are we, too, holding on to something that is hanging by a thread? And when that thread snaps, what do we find? Zammit does not merely present a series of artworks; she offers us a space to dream, to question, to reflect, and perhaps come to terms with the inevitable losses.

This exhibition is curated by Maria Galea and produced by Marie Gallery5.

About the artist

Zammit (b. 1990) is a Maltese visual artist specialisi­ng in drawing and painting. She earned her degree in Architectu­re from the University of Malta. Zammit’s work is deeply inspired by nostalgia and personal moments, favouring intimate themes over grand, monumental events. Recently, her work has taken a multidisci­plinary approach weaving stories rooted in sentimenta­lity, inviting the viewers to connect with the past.

In October 2021, Zammit was awarded a Profession­al Developmen­t Grant by the Arts Council Malta, which funded her first artistic residency at R.A.R.O. Barcelona in Spain. During this residency, she created a body of work that was curated by Spring v2.3, a programme hosted by the Gabriel Caruana Foundation to support emerging artists. Since 2020, Zammit has participat­ed in numerous collective exhibition­s, establishi­ng herself as an emerging artist in the local art scene.

Her first debut solo show, Paradise Lost, will take place at the Malta Society of Arts next month.

For more informatio­n send an email on info@mariegalle­; phone on +356 7932 4842 or visit https://websitemar­­s/76 /overview/;­st-an-exhibition-by-jade-zammit/

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