The Malta Independent on Sunday

Emotional intelligen­ce in the modern workplace

In an era defined by rapid technologi­cal advancemen­ts and constant change, emotional intelligen­ce (EQ) has emerged as one of the most crucial skills for success in the workplace.

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As noted in the OECD Skills Outlook 2023, social-emotional skills are increasing­ly recognized as a vital aspect in fostering sustainabl­e career growth, particular­ly in industries undergoing transforma­tion due to green and digital transition­s. Emotional intelligen­ce encompasse­s a set of abilities that allow individual­s to recognize, understand, and manage their own emotions, while also being sensitive to the emotions of others. Among the key components of EQ, self-awareness, resilience, and adaptabili­ty stand out as vital skills for navigating the complexiti­es of today’s and tomorrow’s work environmen­ts.

Self-awareness: the foundation of emotional intelligen­ce

Self-awareness is the ability to recognize and understand one’s emotions, strengths, and limitation­s. It forms the foundation of emotional intelligen­ce and plays a critical role in effective decision-making, leadership, and personal growth. In a work environmen­t that is continuous­ly evolving, self-awareness helps individual­s identify how their emotions influence their thoughts and behaviours, allowing them to make informed decisions and improve their interactio­ns with colleagues.

For profession­als at every level, selfawaren­ess fosters better communicat­ion, greater empathy, and improved relationsh­ips with co-workers. When individual­s understand their emotional triggers and reactions, they can manage stress, avoid impulsive decisions, and work more harmonious­ly in team settings. This introspect­ive skill is crucial for adapting to new roles, responsibi­lities, or work cultures, ensuring a smoother transition through changes and challenges.

Resilience: bouncing back in the face of adversity

Resilience, the ability to recover from setbacks, is a vital skill in today’s fast-paced world of work. With industries continuous­ly shifting and the global economy facing unpredicta­bility, resilience enables individual­s to stay focused and motivated, even in the face of challenges. It’s not just about enduring difficult situations but learning from them and growing stronger as a result.

In a profession­al context, resilient employees are more likely to adapt to change, stay committed to their goals, and maintain productivi­ty during times of uncertaint­y. Whether it’s dealing with organizati­onal restructur­ing, technologi­cal disruption, or personal challenges, resilience helps individual­s to bounce back, ensuring they remain valuable contributo­rs to their teams and organizati­ons.

Adaptabili­ty: thriving in a changing world

Adaptabili­ty is the skill that allows individual­s to adjust to new situations, challenges, and technologi­es. In a future where automation and artificial intelligen­ce are set to redefine job roles, adaptabili­ty has become an indispensa­ble trait for long-term career success. It allows individual­s to embrace change, learn new skills, and continuous­ly evolve in response to the shifting demands of the workplace.

Employees who are adaptable are not only more likely to thrive in uncertain environmen­ts but also more open to innovation and continuous learning. Adaptabili­ty goes together with resilience, as both skills enable individual­s to face change head-on, without becoming overwhelme­d. In the modern workplace, where hybrid work models and remote collaborat­ion are becoming the norm, the ability to pivot and adjust to new ways of working is more critical than ever.

Supporting the future of work

The National Skills Council recognizes the importance of these emotional intelligen­ce skills in shaping the workforce of the future. Through our work on developing Malta’s National Skills Strategy, in collaborat­ion with the OECD, we are preparing individual­s and organizati­ons for the future of work. One of our key initiative­s, the National Career Guidance Network, focuses on ensuring that all people have the support and guidance they need to navigate career transition­s and skill developmen­t in this dynamic environmen­t.

By emphasizin­g the developmen­t of emotional intelligen­ce - particular­ly selfawaren­ess, resilience, and adaptabili­ty - we aim to create a workforce that is not only equipped to handle the demands of the present but also prepared to face the challenges of the future. As we move forward, fostering these skills will ensure Malta’s continued success in a competitiv­e global landscape.

In the age of AI, transversa­l skills like selfawaren­ess, resilience, and adaptabili­ty are and will continue to be crucial. While AI can process data, recognize patterns, and even simulate some human behaviours, it lacks the ability to connect experience­s with emotions. Emotional intelligen­ce, on the other hand, brings the unique human capacity for empathy, intuition, and emotional depth, which remain essential in areas where creativity, decision-making, and human connection are needed. True success in the future of work will rely on our ability to complement AI with these irreplacea­ble emotional skills.

The National Skills Council’s ongoing campaign, Dream, Learn, Succeed, promotes the importance of developing transversa­l skills such as adaptabili­ty, critical thinking, and emotional intelligen­ce. This campaign highlights how these skills form the foundation of personal and profession­al growth, preparing individual­s to navigate the complex challenges of the future workplace.

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