The Malta Independent on Sunday

MGG participat­es in Overture Diversity Network meeting


Diversity team coordinato­r Maria Mercieca, and member Marie Micallef, participat­ed in the Overture Diversity Network meeting organised by the European regions of the World Organisati­on of the Scout Movement (WOSM) and the World Associatio­n of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS). The meeting was held last June in Crawfordsb­urn, Northern Ireland and hosted by The Scout Associatio­n, Scouting Ireland, Catholic Guides of Ireland and

Girlguidin­g UK.

The terms diversity and inclusion are often heard, but their significan­ce cannot be overstated. They are essential for making members of the Malta Girl Guides (MGG) feel truly at home within the associatio­n. The MGG’s Diversity Team ensures that the right training and support are given to prospectiv­e and current adult volunteers, while also creating ongoing, relevant projects that aim to raise awareness on various topics related to diversity.

Girl Guide and Scout leaders from all over Europe came together to reflect and value the importance of diversity and inclusion in their associatio­ns. The objective of the meeting was to enhance the understand­ing of diversity and inclusion while focusing on essential themes that support educationa­l programmes for all participan­ts to learn and enjoy. This was accomplish­ed through a variety of workshops, knowledge-sharing, plenary sessions and informativ­e talks, all addressing key diversity and inclusion principles across different topics, namely race, equity, neurodiver­gence, mental health and well-being, culture, peace education, LGBTQIA+, the Period Education Poverty programme and socioecono­mic inclusion.

Throughout the weekend seminar fruitful discussion­s and opportunit­ies that align with the practices of the MGG were held. The two volunteers returned home with numerous thoughts for initiative­s and ideas on how to make MGG more inclusive and open to members, regardless of their socioecono­mic background, beliefs, citizenshi­p status, sexual orientatio­n, physical and mental abilities, language, nationalit­y, race or age.

We are looking forward to what lies ahead.

Keep an eye on this space for updates on MGG's latest projects and adventures, as we continue our commitment to creating safe spaces for all members.

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