The Malta Independent on Sunday

Karen Spiteri Bailey announced as new RSM Malta Managing Partner

Takes over leadership of the firm


RSM Malta has today announced that Karen Spiteri Bailey is the new Managing Partner.

With full responsibi­lity for the leadership and developmen­t of RSM Malta’s business, Karen will play a key role in meeting the firm’s growth goals on retaining its position as a leader in the assurance, tax, and advisory fields; also as part of a global and powerful network. Karen will also be instrument­al in building on the firm's outstandin­g reputation with profession­als and clients.

With over 30 years of profession­al services experience, including 9 years at RSM Malta; Karen Spiteri Bailey brings with her a strong skill-set and an excellent reputation for relationsh­ip building, high performanc­e and team leadership. She joins at a key point in the firm’s growth, with an increasing client portfolio and headcount and brings a wealth of experience, having led teams in the fields of Accounting, VAT services and Payroll. With amassed experience across tax and audit department­s, Karen has held leadership roles in the industry. She co-founded Spiteri Bailey & Co., which subsequent­ly merged with RSM Malta in 2016. As a certified public accountant and auditor, Karen champions RSM’s values of Excellence, Integrity, Respect, Teamwork and Innovation.

Her leadership philosophy centres on creating an inclusive environmen­t where team members feel empowered to share ideas. Karen’s proactive stance on change ensures RSM Malta remains at the forefront of industry developmen­ts.

Commenting on the appointmen­t, Karen Spiteri Bailey said: “Firstly, I thank George Gregory for his years of service to RSM Malta whilst wishing him every success. I am delighted to accept this new role and I wholeheart­edly thank my fellow partners for their trust. My strategic objective is to passport my personal passion throughout this new journey, constantly upholding our values; and working with our talented team to continue growing the firm. Our brand motto – empowering you to move forward with confidence – will serve as the guiding light in ensuring that RSM Malta remains a leader in our field and constantly reflects our ambition, throughout the range of services we offer to our clients. As our business continues to grow and as we expand the range of services we offer to clients, we will be investing in our employees to reflect such ambition”.

 ?? ?? Karen Spiteri Bailey
Karen Spiteri Bailey

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