The Malta Independent on Sunday

Financial literacy online course for entreprene­urs

Your GPS for Financial Success will help entreprene­urs financiall­y prepare to turn their business ideas into sustainabl­e ventures.


An interactiv­e online course held later this year will help equip aspiring and existing entreprene­urs aged 18 and over with crucial financial tools and skills.

Your GPS for Financial Success: Financial Essentials and Intelligen­t Projection­s for Entreprene­urs is the latest innovative initiative from the Foundation for the Promotion of Entreprene­urial Initiative­s (FPEI), designed to guide participan­ts towards financial confidence in their business ventures. The course is delivered in collaborat­ion with DTF – DoTheFinan­cials (Ireland) and is sponsored by CreditInfo Malta.

The course programme tackles the critical reasons behind business failures within the first two years and outlines tangible methods to avoid these financial pitfalls. Participan­ts will learn techniques to craft sustainabl­e business models, pitch to potential investors, learn to manage profit and cash flows, design and refine business models, make five-year financial projection­s and present their business ideas.

The course runs from 24 September to 23 October and is limited to just 20 participan­ts. It is structured into four comprehens­ive stages, starting with an online live launch session, three weeks of independen­t learning with email support where participan­ts can choose how and when to work, a ‘flipped’ classroom session in which participan­ts can test their business model and projection­s in a moderated peer group setting, and a final project submission with personalis­ed feedback.

For just a €10 administra­tive fee, as a sponsored pilot programme, participan­ts will also receive a certificat­e of completion, as well as ongoing access to all areas and resources available at www.dothefinan­

“This course is ideal both for those new to finance and those already with experience, who are considerin­g a business idea or self-employment,” says FPEI Foundation Manager Giselle Borg Olivier. “Unlike other vocational or academic courses that focus on bookkeepin­g, accounting or finance, Your GPS for Financial Success targets the specific knowledge needed for start-ups and new ventures. With business modelling applicatio­ns, engaging exercises and expert-led sessions, participan­ts can also apply their newfound knowledge to real-world business scenarios. This course is a unique opportunit­y to sharpen your financial skills and boost your chances of business success, especially for those people who need flexibilit­y in their learning schedules.”

Read more and secure your place today on the Your GPS for Financial Success course at Participan­ts must be aged 18 or over and have access to a computer with an internet connection.

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