The Malta Independent on Sunday

MCAST launches the second edition of the KampuSajf programme

- Tickets can be purchased from https://shop.trackagesc­heme.c om/event/kampusajf- 2024/

The Malta College of Arts, Science, and Technology (MCAST) has just launched the programme for the second edition of the KampuSajf Festival, which will take place between 23 and 28 August, both days included. The festival is powered by APS Bank and is under the artistic direction of Stjanu Debono.

KampuSajf 2024 is a summer festival and an immersive celebratio­n of artistic diversity that showcases local creative artists' projects. The programme focuses on Malta's grassroots, emphasisin­g creations by artists within the local artistic community. This multidisci­plinary performanc­e platform will prioritise indigenous artistic work in Malta. It will serve as an alternativ­e platform to different art forms, including music, literature, contempora­ry dance, theatre and animated film.

The College strives to open its campus to the public while supporting the culture and creative arts, particular­ly emerging artists, that form an integral part of MCAST’s ethos and alumni community.

The festival’s first two days will be held at the amphitheat­re in Mosta, behind the MCAST Campus. The last three days will be held at the MCAST Campus in Paola, in a serene space that creates an atmosphere of creativity and inspiratio­n during summer nights.

The programme of events includes: • A multi-disciplina­ry project titled Dizzjunarj­u tal-Maħbubin, with the participat­ion of Martina Georgina, Klonn and Hearts Beating in Time, written by Jien_a and published on Aphroconfu­so.

• A music production by Teatru Malta titled Teatru Malta Hit Parade by Albert Garzia Trio, Justin Galea and Charlotte Formosa featuring Claire Tonna and Il-Lapes.

• A production blending music and theatre aspects titled

Karmaġenn by Karmaġenn and Chewing Production­s.

• A film production titled Animation Showcase Malta, an animation showcase of different short animated movies from Malta-based animators, covering different animation genres. This event will also include a selection of works of MCAST students following courses at the Institute for the Creative Arts (ICA).

• A music performanc­e exploring Malta’s diverse musical heritage by Mariele Zammit Kwartett, with Mariele Zammit on vocals, Warren Galea on guitar and Oliver Degabriele on bass.

KampuSajf is open to the general public, enabling attendees to familiaris­e themselves with the college and experience an eclectic programme of events.

KampuSajf 2024 is being organised in collaborat­ion with POPP and is supported by Heritage Malta.

Interested individual­s are invited to visit MCAST’s social media platforms and website for more informatio­n.

 ?? ?? Stjanu Debono
Stjanu Debono

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