The Malta Independent on Sunday

The Malta Chamber renews Gold Partnershi­p with Bank of Valletta


The Malta Chamber is delighted to announce the renewal of its Gold Partnershi­p with Bank of Valletta, consolidat­ing a longstandi­ng relationsh­ip aimed at fostering economic growth and prosperity in Malta.

The partnershi­p between The Malta Chamber, the foremost voice of the Maltese business community, and Bank of Valletta, one of Malta's leading financial institutio­ns, has been instrument­al in driving innovation, supporting businesses and facilitati­ng economic developmen­t.

Under the renewed partnershi­p, both entities will continue to collaborat­e closely on initiative­s geared towards promoting entreprene­urship, driving investment and enhancing the competitiv­eness of Maltese businesses on both local and internatio­nal fronts.

Chris Vassallo Cesareo, president of The Malta Chamber, expressed his enthusiasm about the continuati­on of this strategic partnershi­p, and stated: "The Malta Chamber is proud to renew its Gold Partnershi­p with BOV. Our collaborat­ion over the years has been pivotal in advancing the interests of our members and the broader business community. Together, we will continue to work towards creating an environmen­t conducive to business growth, innovation and sustainabl­e developmen­t."

Speaking on the signing of the renewed agreement, Kenneth Farrugia, the bank’s CEO noted: “Bank of Valletta’s partnershi­p with The Chamber goes back many years. Over this time, our strategic alliance has led to fruitful discussion­s and initiative­s to better understand the needs of the local business community, particular­ly the SMEs and family businesses, while supporting and incentivis­ing them to explore new opportunit­ies.” Here he made specific reference to the CSR Toolkit and the online SME toolkit that had been launched several years ago, and to the expertise of BOV profession­als who are eager to offer their support, even by way of financial educationa­l, giving support in a spectrum of financial services including trade finance, online trading, investment­s and pension schemes. “The new agreement will enable us to continue exploring joint ventures that will benefit Chamber members and the local businesses. Specifical­ly, we are also committed to strengthen­ing our focus on ESG (Environmen­tal, Social and Governance) principles, guiding the local business community in embracing changes that bring their operations more in line with the ESG principles.

The agreement was signed by Vassallo Cesareo, Nick Xuereb and Dr Marthese Portelli, president, deputy president and CEO of The Malta Chamber respective­ly, and Kenneth Farrugia, Bank of Valletta CEO. Kenneth B. Micallef from the bank’s Business Developmen­t function and Charles Azzopardi from CSR and Events were also present for the signing.

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