Malta Independent

The VLTC Celebrates its 50th Anniversar­y


This year the Vittoriosa Lawn Tennis Club is celebratin­g its 50th Anniversar­y since its foun‐ dation. To commemorat­e this milestone occasion, various ac‐ tivities are being organized throughout all the year.

However, the highlight of the activities was held recently with a commemorat­ive evening pro‐ gram held at its premises at Cor‐ radino, Paola, under the auspices of Her Excellency Miriam Spiteri Debono, President of Malta.

Various speakers, who were in‐ troduced by VLTC Hon. Member Alfred Cappello, were invited to give their message for the occa‐ sion. The first speaker was Mr. Godfrey Demarco, one of the founder members and ex Chair‐ man of the club. He gave an overview of the first days of the club highlighti­ng the early diffi‐ culties faced by the club that had neither premises nor courts to train and play on. Other speakers were Mr. Mark Cutajar, CEO of SportMalta, Dr Marc Gingell Lit‐ tlejohn, President of the Malta Tennis Federation, and Mr.John Boxall, Mayor of Vittoriosa.

The Chairman of the Club, Dr Inġ. Paul Micallef then gave a de‐ tailed account on the achieve‐ ments during the more recent years and the commitment­s re‐ flecting on the club’s motto ‘Non Nobis Sed Omnibus’ , Not For Us But for Everybody’. He thanked all those who in various ways, contribute­d to the developmen­t of the Vittoriosa lawn Tennis Club and its members.

The keynote address was finally given by Her Excellency Miriam Spiteri Debono, President of Malta. Among other issues men‐ tioned, she encouraged the Exec‐ utive Committee to continue with their mission of sport education mainly towards the juniors. Then she unveiled a Commemorat­ive Plaque in the presence of VLTC Chairman Dr Inġ. Paul Micallef.

To commemorat­e this 50th An‐ niversary of the Club’s Founda‐ tion, a 330‐page Commemorat­ive Book covering the 50‐year his‐ tory of the VLTC, was printed and launched at the end of the activ‐ ity, with the first copy being pre‐ sented by the Club’s Chairman to Her Excellency, the President of Malta, Miriam Spiteri Debono.

Some mementos were also dis‐ tributed to Her Excellency, the Honorary Presidents, Messrs. Godfrey Demarco and Vincent Galea. The Chairman of the VLTC then presented mementos thank‐ ing five senior members who contribute­d and are still active in the Club. These were Messrs. Al‐ fred Cappello, John Cassar, An‐ thony Pule’, reno Bezzina and Lino Scicluna. Afterwards, a re‐ ception for the occasion was held.

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