Malta Independent

‘Absolute majority’ of contractor­s in constructi­on have applied to operate with a license, Prime Minister says


The absolute majority of contractor­s working in the country’s constructi­on sector have applied for a license to operate, Prime Minister Robert Abela said during a pre-Budget consultati­on meeting with the Malta Developers Associatio­n (MDA).

A Government statement read that Abela, at Castille, expressed satisfacti­on with this developmen­t, further confirming “Government’s success in the reforms it is implementi­ng, particular­ly in this sector.”

In his address before continuing consultati­on and listening to the MDA delegation’s ideas, Abela said that the sector is now facing new realities and needs, many of which have been driven by the economic success that the country has achieved in recent years.

Abela said that the Government will continue to aim for economic success, but in a smarter way that leads to a better quality of life, while addressing the new realities of the country.

Apart from the introducti­on of contractor licenses, Abela outlined several initiative­s which the statement said reaffirmed the Government’s commitment to addressing the needs of the constructi­on sector.

Among them, he mentioned the revolution­ary Occupation­al Health & Safety Authority law, which had passed through Parliament before it adjourned for the summer.

Abela noted that while this will increase enforcemen­t, it will also lead to higher standards in the sector and greater protection for workers.

He also spoke of the importance of giving a stronger voice to those affected by constructi­on, which led to the establishm­ent of the 138 hotline, along with the service of legal and technical advice and assistance to people affected by developmen­t happening near their residences.

Present for this consultati­on meeting were Ministers, Clint Camilleri, Byron Camilleri and Jonathan Attard, Parliament­ary Secretarie­s, Andy Ellul and Omar Farrugia, PL MP Chris Agius, and the Head of the Secretaria­t in the Office of the Prime Minister, Mark Mallia.

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