Malta Independent

Warmer, wetter than average meteorolog­ical summer


The meteorolog­ical summer has passed, with August signalling that autumn was just around the corner as it brought showers and thundersto­rms towards the end of the month, the MET office has said.

“The total rainfall recorded in one day in August tipped the scales to confirm this past meteorolog­ical summer as one that was wetter than the climatic norm. In fact, on August 22nd alone, 13.2mm of rain was recorded, making August 2024 3.5mm wetter than average.”

“Apart from August, June was the only other month to produce rainfall (3.8mm), slightly alleviatin­g the seasonal drought. In total, 17mm of rain were recorded during the meteorolog­ical summer, exceeding the climatic norm by 1.4mm.”

Only one heatwave was recorded between June and July, it said. “While last year’s July heatwave spanned over ten days, this year’s was relatively short in comparison, lasting from June 20th to 22nd, with temperatur­es exceeding 35°C on all three days.”

“A closer look at the temperatur­es reveals that all three months of the meteorolog­ical summer were warmer than the climatic norm. June, July and even August were 1.6°C warmer than the climatic average, with average temperatur­es of 25.8°C, 28.5°C and 29.1°C, respective­ly.”

“High temperatur­es, even in the months leading up to summer, also resulted in the sea warming up faster than usual. In fact, the average sea surface temperatur­e in June stood at 23.7°C (norm 22°C), rising by more than 3°C to 26.9°C (norm 25.2°C) in July, and reaching 28.9°C (norm 26.7°C) in August”, the MET office statement read.

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