Malta Independent

Number of tourists coming to Malta up by 18.5% in July when compared to same month last year


Total inbound tourists for July 2024 were estimated at 385,591, an increase of 18.5% when compared to the correspond­ing month in 2023, the National Statistics Office (NSO) said on Thursday.

During the month under review, a total of 361,628 inbound tourists visited Malta for holiday purposes, and 10,100 tourists came for business purposes. The largest share of inbound tourists were aged between 0 and 24 (39.9%), followed by the 25-44 age bracket (33%). Italian, British and French residents made up 48.5% of total inbound tourists, the NSO said.

“Total nights spent went up by 9.8% when compared to July 2023, reaching almost 2.8 million nights. The largest share of guest nights (89.2%) was spent in rented accommodat­ion establishm­ents. The average length of stay of total inbound tourists stood at 7.2 nights.”

Total tourist expenditur­e amounted to almost €403.9 million, an increase of 20.7% over the correspond­ing month in 2023. The average expenditur­e per night was estimated at €145.2, the NSO said.

The number of tourists visiting Gozo and Comino, including both same-day and overnight visitors, totalled 257,754, or 66.8% of total tourists.

January-July 2024

“Inbound tourists for the first seven months of 2024 amounted to 1,976,457, an increase of 22.4% over the same period in 2023. Total nights spent by inbound tourists went up by 14.3%, surpassing 12.2 million nights.”

Total tourist expenditur­e was estimated at €1.7 billion, 23.6% higher than that recorded for the same period in 2023, the NSO said. “Total expenditur­e per capita increased to €858 from €849 for the correspond­ing period in 2023.”

“The number of tourists visiting Gozo and Comino, including both same-day and overnight visitors, totalled 1,109,844, or 56.2% of total tourists.”

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