Malta Independent

Xjenza Malta and Italy’s Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche sign agreement to strengthen research, innovation


On Wednesday, Xjenza Malta and Italy’s Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) signed an agreement which will facilitate research and innovation.

A government statement read that the agreement “reflects a shared vision for the future and supports both existing and new research collaborat­ions.”

The agreement will facilitate research and innovation, emphasizin­g tangible results and providing funding for researcher­s to collaborat­e on activities and projects that lay the foundation for larger long-term partnershi­ps, the statement read.

Minister for Research and Innovation Clifton Grima, who presided over the signing of this agreement, said that through it, Malta is strengthen­ing collaborat­ion with Italy, which holds significan­t strategic value, through the partnershi­p in research and innovation between the two countries.

“It is also an agreement that shows how much importance we are placing on research and innovation, an agreement that also establishe­s a structured framework to advance joint research initiative­s with other countries,” Grima said.

Another goal of the agreement is to increase the commitment of Xjenza Malta and the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) to bridge the gap between science and society, ensuring that research results are accessible and impactful beyond academia.

CEO of Xjenza Malta Silvio Scerri described the agreement as an important step in regional cooperatio­n.

“This partnershi­p between Xjenza Malta and the CNR represents an effective model for regional collaborat­ion. By pooling our resources and knowledge, we can drive research and innovation forward and address the global challenges of our time through meaningful scientific cooperatio­n,” he said.

Scerri went on that the signing of the agreement is just the beginning of the evolving dynamic relationsh­ip, which will not only benefit Malta and Italy, but also the wider Mediterran­ean region and the European Research Area.

President of the CNR Professor Maria Chiara Carrozza echoed the same sentiment, emphasizin­g the strategic relevance of this partnershi­p.

“The collaborat­ion between CNR and Xjenza Malta will enhance our collective capacities in addressing urgent scientific challenges, while fostering the spirit of European and Mediterran­ean cooperatio­n,” she said.

Carrozza said the CNR looked forward to seeing the fruits of the great potential the partnershi­p holds for scientific discovery and social advancemen­t.

Both parties share a joint ambition for this cooperatio­n to expand into a formal bilateral research funding program, similar to Xjenza Malta’s current collaborat­ions.

This agreement marked a significan­t milestone in research cooperatio­n between Italy and Malta, the government statement read.

It continued that both institutio­ns welcomed this agreement with satisfacti­on and expressed their commitment to further strengthen­ing joint research efforts.

It said that Malta and Italy recognized that research is crucial for driving sustainabl­e economic growth and addressing socio-economic challenges. Italy has been one of Xjenza Malta’s most prominent partners, particular­ly through CNR’s involvemen­t in maritime and marine research.

Collaborat­ive projects, including BlueMissio­nMed, JPI Oceans, and the Horizon Europe Sustainabl­e Blue Economy Partnershi­p, have been essential in advancing the sustainabl­e developmen­t of the Mediterran­ean and in opening new economic opportunit­ies in the blue economy, the statement read.

This collaborat­ion also extends to a wide range of areas under Horizon Europe, further demonstrat­ing the commitment to cooperatio­n between the two sides.

The statement said that the collaborat­ion aims to address a broader range of scientific challenges and opportunit­ies by expanding into new thematic areas that address needs identified by national strategies.

The agreement was signed by Carrozza, President of the CNR in Italy, and Scerri, CEO of Xjenza Malta.

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