Malta Independent

Two workers at Birkirkara Local Council ‘intimidate­d and threatened,’ PL Councillor says


PL Birkirkara councillor Yana Borg Debono Grech said that on Tuesday, two workers assigned to the Birkirkara Local Council came in to carry out their usual work when they were 'intimidate­d and threatened.'

Borg Debono Grech made a Facebook post to share the news, but did not say who allegedly intimidate­d and threatened the two workers.

She said that as a result, the two had no choice but to go to the police station to file an official report. Borg Debono Grech thanked the police for their assistance.

"As we have said before and will repeat, we condemn any act of intimidati­on and threats in the workplace, as everyone should be allowed to work in peace," Borg Debono Grech said.

In response to Borg Debono Grech, current standing PN Mayor Desirei Grech said that she was not present when the alleged threats against these workers were made, and will leave it to the police to do their job.

"Let me make it clear from the start. If any wrongdoing occurred, whatever it may be, between the workers, I condemn it without reservatio­n," Grech said.

She went on, however, that although she has extended her hand to work with everyone for months, she has faced obstacles when it came to these same workers, who, according to her, not only leave early, but also fail to start their workday on time. "These same workers are being paid from public funds," Grech said.

Grech continued that the 'obstacles' have been present since she was appointed Mayor of Birkirkara, and although several reports have been made to the concerned department­s, both by herself and the Executive Secretary, during the two months she has been Mayor, the "sabotage" has persisted.

"Apart from the intimidati­on I've faced from external workers - because even today, a person who went to file a report raised their voice at me, even certain internal workers are not cooperatin­g, and I am being treated inappropri­ately," Grech said.

She said she "strongly believes" that all of this is happening because she was appointed Mayor for just these three months.

"This further confirms that after these three months, I will be removed from the position of Mayor, and they will take control, as even today, Labour Party Councillor Alfred Attard stated that he will be the Mayor in a few weeks," Grech said.

She reiterated that she condemned the alleged threats made against these workers and any wrongdoing committed, but Grech said that "there is a limit to everything, and everyone must be held accountabl­e for their actions."

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