Malta Independent

Insurance Associatio­n Malta demands action as ‘Road Safety Bureau faces setbacks’


The Insurance Associatio­n Malta has expressed its disappoint­ment that the long-awaited Road Safety Bureau has “encountere­d yet another setback.”

In December 2022, the Government had announced plans to establish the bureau as part of a wider reform to consolidat­e air, sea, and road safety investigat­ions under a single Transport Safety Investigat­ion Commission.

The Insurance Associatio­n Malta, in a statement on Monday, said that the Road Safety Bureau would be a “crucial” element of a comprehens­ive road safety strategy, “that has long been promised but remains largely unaddresse­d.” It said that road safety can only happen when authoritie­s and road users work together towards the common goal and questioned how many more accidents must occur before a “meaningful” change is seen.

The Insurance Associatio­n Malta issued a statement in light of the events of the 28th of August 2024, where three people died in separate road accidents.

The Road Safety Bureau forms part of a Government­al action plan to improve road safety launched in 2022 under theTranspo­rt Minister, Aaron Farrugia.

The Insurance Associatio­n Malta said that “behind every road fatality there is a shattered family mourning the premature loss of loved ones, and the Insurance Associatio­n Malta is disappoint­ed that the long-awaited Road Safety Bureau has encountere­d yet another setback.”

It said the recent three fatalities in a single day, with a number of other accidents happening since then, marked a “tragic moment” on Malta’s roads that underscore­d the “critical” need for respect between road users and traffic rules.

The Insurance Associatio­n Malta said that this is a “stark reminder” that authoritie­s must take decisive action to uphold road safety which includes swift implementa­tion of an accident investigat­ion agency and regular enforcemen­t against driving under any influence, overspeedi­ng and usage of phones whilst driving. It said: “No one can deny that Malta urgently needs a road accident investigat­ion bureau, similar to those in the aviation and maritime sectors.”

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