Malta Independent

Successful outcome for MOC Athletes’ Commission Seminar


The Maltese Olympic Committee (MOC) Athletes' Commission, under the leadership of Olympian Eleanor Bezzina and commission members Sascha Genovese and Matthew Abela, successful­ly hosted their Annual Seminar for Athletes. The event saw a significan­t turnout and featured key insights and discussion­s aimed at supporting and inspiring the next generation of Maltese athletes.

Following an introducti­on by the Athletes’ Commission Chair Eleanor Bezzina, Andy Grech, Head of Education at the Authority For Integrity In Maltese Sport (AIMS), delivered a talk on "Value Driven Performanc­e" . This was followed by presentati­on from Rachel Cachia, Impact Officer of the Malta Paralympic Committee, alongside Paris 2024 Paralympia­n Antonio Flores, gave an overview of the Malta Paralympic Committee’s mission statement and activities.

Veteran sports journalist Charles Camenzuli provided a historical perspectiv­e on "The Developmen­t of Sport in Malta," tracing the journey from the early days to Malta's first participat­ion in the Olympic Games. His reflection­s offered a rich context for understand­ing the progress and potential of Maltese sports on the internatio­nal stage.

The event concluded with an engaging panel discussion featuring Olympians Sasha Gatt and William Chetcuti, Paralympia­n Antonio Flores, and prospectiv­e Olympian Rachela Pace. Moderated by

Charles Camenzuli, the panel discussed the various challenges they faced throughout their sporting journeys, from training and competitio­n to balancing personal life and career aspiration­s.

Eleanor Bezzina, Chair of the MOC Athletes' Commission, expressed her satisfacti­on with the seminar's success. "We are thrilled with the turnout and the level of engagement from all participan­ts. Our goal is to support and guide our athletes, and events like these are crucial for sharing knowledge and experience­s that can help them succeed."

Maltese Olympic Committee President Julian Pace Bonello presented financial contributi­ons to athletes who achieved outstandin­g results on the internatio­nal stage in their respective sports in the past months.

The athletes benefittin­g from this contributi­ons were Marlon Attard (Skeet – Shooting) who obtained a Silver Medal in the European Championsh­ips in Croatia in September 2023, Nico Sciberras (Trap Shooting) also Silver at the Junior European Championsh­ips in Italy, Connie Rixon (Lawn Bowls) , who took Silver at the World Indoor Lawn Bowls Championsh­ips in Guernsey and Katrina Micallef (Sailing) , who achieved a Bronze Medal in the ILCA4 Youth World Championsh­ips in Portugal.

"This gesture not only acknowledg­es their hard work and exceptiona­l performanc­e but also aims to support their future endeavours and inspire continued success," commented Pace Bonello, MOC President. "The Maltese Olympic Committee felt that recognisin­g these athlete’s efforts at the Athletes’ Commission Seminar was befitting."

The MOC Athlete’s Commission Seminar was supported by Olympic Solidarity.

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