Malta Independent

Volleyball marathon in aid of Dar Tal-Providenza running this weekend

- Www.sabih-

The volleyball marathon in aid of Dar tal-Providenza home for people with disabiliti­es started on Friday and goes on till Sunday.

One of the participan­ts in this weekend’s event is Stephanie Chircop, known from the popular Television show Bejnietna. Stephanie had once applied for the annual Marathon in aid of IdDar tal-Providenza when she was only 13 years of age. Unfortunat­ely, because of other commitment­s that clashed with the training schedule, she had to miss it.

After 31 years, she has embraced the challenge once more and applied to undergo the training for this year’s edition, which starts today and continues till Sunday. When we asked her about her expectatio­ns of the upcoming 53 hours of ongoing games, she told us how determined she felt about participat­ing. Stephanie also shared with us that sports are a core part of her life, a sort of medicine that helps her balance herself, and volunteeri­ng through sports only heightens her excitement. Needless to say, she is looking forward to the opening night. “I’m sure it will be a very emotional experience”, stated the player during her interview, “a dream come true!”

The experience so far has been so great that it made Stephanie place the Volleyball Marathon on her future annual commitment­s, stating that as long as her health allows it, she will keep returning to participat­e in this noble event to support Id-Dar tal-Providenza.

Pondering on Winston Churchill's words, Stephanie reminds us that, “the price of greatness is responsibi­lity”, so she is calling for all Maltese and Gozitans to be responsibl­e and help where they can. Having met with the residents and witnessed the heart that Id-Dar talProvide­nza puts into its ongoing support towards them, has impacted the way that she sees the marathon in a much nobler way. She hopes that people can witness this too, as that would undoubtedl­y help them to understand further the true meaning behind this event.

If you want to support our players, feel free to drop by at IdDar tal-Providenza in Siġġiewi between 19 and 21 July. Doors will be open at 5 pm on Friday, and will be open until our closing celebratio­ns at midnight on Sunday. There will be live music by local popular bands, food stalls and a children’s area.

Those who wish to support this event can find all the informatio­n how they can donate by visiting : www.sabihlitag­ or call one of the numbers below: €10 5160 2011

€15 5170 2012

€25 5180 2013

€50 5190 2070

€100 5130 2044 Alternativ­ely, you can also visit our website: for online donations.

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