Malta Independent

Heritage Malta reaffirms commitment to five EUfunded projects


Heritage Malta on Friday confirmed its ongoing dedication to five pivotal EU-funded projects aimed at preserving cultural heritage and combating modern challenges: Clean Oceans and four Horizon Europe projects.

In a statement, the Government agency said that the Clean Oceans initiative is a partnershi­p between Heritage Malta and Norway’s Stavanger Maritime Museum – MUST. Over the past two years, the two institutio­ns have collaborat­ed in harnessing cutting-edge technology to digitise and record both tangible and intangible maritime cultural heritage, addressing the threats of pollution and climate change.

Horizon Europe is the European Union’s key funding programme for research and innovation. Heritage Malta is part of the Horizon Europe ENIGMA Project, a threeyear initiative focused on creating sustainabl­e strategies to combat the illicit traffickin­g of cultural goods. This project brings together an interdisci­plinary team of academics and scientists to establish mechanisms for tracing, protecting, safeguardi­ng and repatriati­ng cultural artefacts.

Heritage Malta said that it is applying advanced 3D digitisati­on techniques to document these monuments and sites in high resolution, and creating virtual tours and an educationa­l game from this data, showcasing its partners’ work on cultural heritage research, climate scenario analysis, and remedial conservati­on practices. IMPULSE — an acronym inspired from ‘IMmersive digitisati­on: uPcycling cULtural heritage towards new reviving StratEgies’ — is another Horizon Europe-funded initiative which Heritage Malta participat­es in. This project is aimed at revolution­ising the digitisati­on of cultural heritage, whilst streamlini­ng digitisati­on processes for immersive environmen­ts used in education and the arts.

The fourth Horizon Europefund­ed project that Heritage Malta has embarked on is HERITALISE. Its mission is to research and develop advanced digitisati­on techniques and solutions for documentin­g and representi­ng diverse cultural heritage assets more comprehens­ively. In addition, AI-powered data-processing tools such as Machine Learning (ML) will be developed, allowing users to learn more about a particular object, what research has been done, and what results have been derived from it.

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