Malta Independent

Royal Malta Yacht Club Launches Sustainabi­lity Compass


The Royal Malta Yacht Club today launched its Sustainabi­l‐ ity Compass, an initiative that underscore­s the Club's commit‐ ment to Environmen­tal, Social, and Governance (ESG) princi‐ ples. This initiative aims to min‐ imise the Club's environmen­tal impact, uphold strong social re‐ sponsibili­ty practices, and en‐ sure transparen­cy and accountabi­lity through exem‐ plary governance.

The purpose of this initiative is to inspire generation­s of re‐ sponsible sailors, by nurturing a culture of respect for our seas. This will be achieved by educat‐ ing and empowering Club mem‐ bers, sailors, RMYC Sailing School students and the wider community about the Club’s sustainabi­lity values which en‐ compass the respect for our wa‐ ters, inclusivit­y in action, fostering of friendship and team work, and creating a legacy through sailing.

This first sustainabi­lity report reflects the Club’s commitment to transparen­cy and continuous improvemen­t, aligning with the principles of the Corporate Sus‐ tainabilit­y Reporting Directive (CSRD) and drawing on estab‐ lished global standards. The first part of the process started with the gathering of data, set‐ ting ambitious yet achievable targets through 2030, and out‐ lining clear action plans. The report provides a comprehen‐ sive overview of the Club’s sus‐ tainabilit­y efforts with goals set for 2030, progress made in 2023, if any, and clear action‐ able targets for 2024.

“The report details our collab‐ oration with World Sailing, part‐ nerships with Zibel and the

Rolex Middle Sea Race, and the contributi­ons from various de‐ partments and stakeholde­rs within the Club. This report serves as a baseline, and we re‐ main dedicated to ongoing im‐ provement, as we navigate a more sustainabl­e future for the Club and the marine environ‐ ment” remarked Melanie Vella, Sustainabi­lity Consultant.

The five pillars around which this initiative will revolve around are the Natural Envi‐ ronment: prioritisi­ng the pro‐ tection and preservati­on of natural surroundin­gs through sustainabl­e practices; Educa‐ tion & Training: enhancing knowledge and skills related to sustainabi­lity amongst Club members and the community; Events: implementi­ng sustain‐ able practices in Club events to minimize environmen­tal impact; Community Engagement: foster‐ ing strong relationsh­ips and col‐ laboration with the local community; and Governance: en‐ suring transparen­cy, accounta‐ bility, and integrity in all Club operations.

RMYC Sustainabi­lity Officer Mark Vella went on to explain that “As we build capacity and implement robust data collection systems and governance, partic‐ ularly within the events field, we will progressiv­ely expand our focus areas. This will enable us to address emerging sustainabi­lity challenges and opportunit­ies more effectivel­y.”

The Club will also be launching a social media education cam‐ paign which consists of the 5 Sus‐ tainable Actions for Sailors. These actions provide sailors with a fun, engaging, and action‐ able list of daily habits to kick‐ start their sustainabl­e sailing journey. For this campaign a number of club members and sailing school students were roped in as ambassador­s for this initiative.

Cultivatin­g a sustainabl­e com‐ munity has long been on the Club’s agenda and it has a long‐ standing positive relationsh­ip with the Local Council of Ta’ Xbiex. "We value sustainabi­lity efforts driven by the RMYC in our local community. Together we can build a more inclusive com‐ munity where we all care for our natural environmen­t and our coastal areas," said Mayor Max Zammit, who was present for the launch.

This collaborat­ive effort focuses on promoting sustainabi­lity and fostering a love for sailing within the local community and signi‐ fies the power of local partner‐ ships in fostering a thriving and sustainabl­e Ta’ Xbiex.

“The RMYC Sustainabi­lity Com‐ pass represents a significan­t step forward in our commit‐ ment to fostering a sustainabl­e future for sailing and our com‐ munity. We look forward to the journey ahead and the positive impact we can achieve together” remarked Club Commodore, David Cremona.

The RMYC Sustainabi­lity team is led by Melanie Vella and in‐ cludes Club Commodore David Cremona (local Engagement Ini‐ tiatives), Mark Vella (Environ‐ ment & Governance), Georges Bonello DuPuis (Events Sustain‐ ability), Ruya Cakmakli (Train‐ ing & Education), Edgar Warrington (Inclusion & Gover‐ nance), and Andrew Schembri (Zibel NGO representa­tive).

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