Malta Independent

Lly shot gunman who d position


knew. Everyone becoming aware of the fact this was gunfire,” said Dave McCormick, the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in Pennsylvan­ia, who was sitting to Trump’s right on stage.

As he saw Trump raise his fist, McCormick said, he looked over his shoulder and noticed someone had been hit while sitting in the bleachers behind the stage.

Eventually, first responders were able to carry the wounded person out of a large crowd so he could get medical care, McCormick said.

Reporters covering the rally heard five or six shots ring out and many ducked for cover, hiding under tables. After the first two or three bangs, people in the crowd looked startled, but not panicked. An AP reporter at the scene reported the noise sounded like firecracke­rs at first or perhaps a car backfiring.

When it was clear the situation had been contained and Trump would not return to speak, attendees started filing out of the venue.

Police soon told the people remaining to leave the venue and Secret Service agents told reporters to get “out now. This is a live crime scene.”

Political violence again shakes America

The perils of campaignin­g took on a new urgency after the assassinat­ion of Robert F. Kennedy in California in 1968, and again in

1972 when Arthur Bremer shot and seriously hurt George Wallace, who was running as an independen­t on a campaign platform that has sometimes been compared to Trump’s. That led to increased protection of candidates, even as the threats persisted, notably against Jesse Jackson in 1988 and Barack Obama in 2008.

Presidents, particular­ly after the assassinat­ion of John F. Kennedy in 1963, have even greater layers of security, and Trump is a rarity as both a former president and a current candidate. Republican Rep. Mike Kelly, who represents the area where the shooting occurred, attended the rally with his wife and grandchild­ren and was just

behind Trump when he was wounded. Kelly said he was “in a state of bewilderme­nt of how and what has happened to the United States of America.”

“I just wish people — tone it down,” he said. “Quit trying to find, to blame somebody. The blame lies somewhere in the psyche of America.”

 ?? ?? Republican presidenti­al candidate former President Donald Trump is surround by U.S. Secret Service agents at a campaign event in Butler, Pa., Saturday, July 13, 2024. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar)
Republican presidenti­al candidate former President Donald Trump is surround by U.S. Secret Service agents at a campaign event in Butler, Pa., Saturday, July 13, 2024. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar)

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