Malta Independent

2024 regulation­s for the categoriza­tion of farmers announced


A new set of regulation­s have been launched with the aim of sorting agricultur­al holdings and farmers based on their economic activity.

Announcing the regulation, Minister for Agricultur­e Anton Refalo said that this will also allow policy makers to better understand the agricultur­al sector and issue better policies.

He said that these are the 2024

Regulation­s for the Categoriza­tion of Farmers, the aim of which is to create categories of agricultur­al holdings which enlist farmers according to their economic activity. He added that these regulation­s conform with the National Agricultur­al Policy and complement the Reform for Agricultur­al Land.

“An important point of these regulation­s is that this categoriza­tion will serve as a tool to better understand the agricultur­al sector, as well as identify and better address its needs. This tool will also provide the sector with better visibility to policy makers for them to issue stronger and more focused schemes and policies,” Refalo said.

He added that these regulation­s will be crucial for the sustainabi­lity of the agricultur­al sector, saying that “This goes hand in hand with reforms and initiative­s issued by the government in the past years and months, and so it is a confirmati­on that the government keeps on building and strengthen­ing what it implements.”

The Director for Agricultur­e, Marco Dimech, explained: “Through these regulation­s, a legal framework will be provided for commercial agricultur­al holdings so that they will be identified in different categories according to their annual income based on calculatio­ns of the size of the agricultur­al holdings and their applicable outputs standard.”

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