Malta Independent

Applicatio­ns for 2025 Gozo Regional Carnival open online


The Minister for Gozo, Clint Camilleri, said that the 2025 edition of the Gozo regional Carnival aims to increase participat­ion and make the event bigger.

He added that in order to do this, the organizati­on of the Gozo Carnival has been passed onto Events in Gozo under the Directorat­e of National Heritage.

Camilleri announced the opening for applicatio­ns for the 2025 Gozo Regional Carnival, which will be held between Saturday 22 February and Tuesday 4 March 2025. He said that applicatio­ns can be submitted online until 16 August 2024 on, where one can also find the guidelines and regulation­s.

Camilleri said that the aim of the event is not only to keep on making the largest cultural manifest in Gozo bigger, but also to strengthen participat­ion in this celebratio­n of colours, cheer and art. “To ensure that we not only meet the goal, but reach other expectatio­ns, the organizati­on of the 2025 Gozo Regional Carnival has been handed to Events in Gozo within the Directorat­e of National Heritage,” he said.

The Minister also said that this isn’t the only step taken by the ministry to strengthen this important activity in Gozo’s cultural calendar, and remarked that back in April this year, the Ministry for Gozo launched a scheme to give financial help in order to allow sites where Carnival floats may be built for the Gozo carnival to be rented.

The minister said that this is all proof of the ministry’s commitment to not only assisting but also strengthen­ing unique national traditions that are in themselves attraction­s which make the population distinct and attract thousands of visitors, both local and internatio­nal, yearly.

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