Malta Independent

Repubblika condemns Abela’s ‘attempt to intimidate’ magistrate over Fearne case


On Thursday, NGO Repubblika said that Prime Minister Robert Abela’s words about the possible re-nomination of former Deputy PM Chris Fearne as Malta’s EU Commission­er are “an attempt to intimidate” the Magistrate who must make that decision.

On Wednesday, Abela told journalist­s that “it’s one of the most probable possibilit­ies” that Fearne might still get the nod to become Malta’s European Commission­er if the court hearing his Vitals case does not find enough prima facie evidence to indict him. The PN also said that Abela’s words were unacceptab­le and created pressure for the Magistrate.

In a statement, Repubblika said that this is “nothing but a message to the magistrate that if Fearne is not sent to become Commission­er, the Prime Minister will blame the magistrate.”

“No court decision should be conditione­d by the political needs of the government. The law is the same for everyone, even for candidates for the European Commission,” the NGO said.

It said that normally, no Prime Minister makes public comments expressing the hope that persons accused by the prosecutor or the police will “get off lightly.” Repubblika continued that this dangerous exception has been made for Fearne.

“A month ago, Abela intimidate­d the inquiring magistrate in the Vitals case because he needed to do so due to the election. Now he is intimidati­ng another magistrate who is hearing the compilatio­n of evidence because Abela needs to do so, otherwise, he does not know who he will send as European Commission­er,” Repubblika said.

Repubblika said that this is “a repeated breach against the independen­ce of the judiciary, interferen­ce, and intimidati­on of the government over the magistrate­s.”

It said that it also observes how much the standard of quality for the selection of European Commission­ers has dropped.

“We have reached the extreme where you can be criminally investigat­ed, accused of serious crimes by the prosecutio­n, found politicall­y responsibl­e for the biggest corruption scandal in the country’s history, found responsibl­e by a public inquiry for allowing the corrupt to enjoy impunity to the point that a journalist was killed, but all this does not prevent you from being nominated for one of the most important positions in European governance,” Repubblika said.

Repubblika said that a European Commission­er should have loyalty to truth and good governance, which constitute­s much more than simply not falling under an indictment for corruption, illicit enrichment, and misappropr­iation.

“Our country should choose the best person for the positions it needs to fill, not the person who is most politicall­y convenient for the Prime Minister,” Repubblika said.

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