Malta Independent

FabrianoIn­Acquarello: the largest event dedicated to watercolou­r painting in Italy


FabrianoIn­Acquarello is an internatio­nal watercolou­r convention which is based in Fabriano, the Italian city in the Marche Region which was one of the first places in Europe to develop paper historical­ly.

The internatio­nal convention has been held every year since 2010, and now is one of the largest displays of artworks in the world boasting over 1,000 watercolou­r artworks in 2024 in its watercolou­r art exhibition.

As an internatio­nal convention Fabriano invited 82 countries, including Malta, to take part in its annual exhibition, which is themed around promoting peace and national cooperatio­n and discussion of the arts.

This year the Fabriano Internatio­nal Convention features exhibition­s in Fabriano, in the Marche in Italy held from April 26th – June 16th, after which the exhibition­s move to Fort Worth, Texas in the United States to complete the annual convention.

Thirteen watercolou­r artists from Malta are participat­ing, displaying one artwork each, these artists are:

Alfie Gatt, Andrew Smith, Anna Galea, Anna Grima, Audrey Mercieca, Caroline Said Lawrence, Feng Hongzhao, Jeni Caruana, Joanne Fenech Portelli, Joseph Casapinta, Miyuki Sugihara, Sarah Calleja and Winston Hassall.

Malta first participat­ed as a guest country in 2016, and is managed in Malta by Andrew Smith who organizes and curates the island’s participat­ion in the convention. The FabrianoIn­Acquarello Internatio­nal Convention is an event which is open to all artists, and the artwork exhibition and festival events are open to the public both in Italy, and in Fort Worth, United States.

Watercolou­r artists from Malta who are interested in taking part, exhibiting with their country, can contact Andrew Smith for more informatio­n,

 ?? ?? by Joseph Casapinta
by Joseph Casapinta
 ?? ?? by Winston Hassall
by Winston Hassall
 ?? ?? by Feng Hongzhao
by Feng Hongzhao
 ?? ?? Andrew Smith manager of FabrianoIn­Aquarello
Andrew Smith manager of FabrianoIn­Aquarello
 ?? ?? By Alfie Gatt
By Alfie Gatt
 ?? ?? Exhibition in Fabriano, in the Marche of Italy
Exhibition in Fabriano, in the Marche of Italy
 ?? ?? This article is supported by Arts Council Malta
This article is supported by Arts Council Malta

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