Malta Independent

Fireworks light up the skies across the US as Americans endure searing heat to celebrate July Fourth


Millions of people in the U.S. celebrated and suffered under heat warnings Thursday as they flocked to beaches and traveled in droves to toast their nation’s birth with July Fourth parades, cookouts and the always anticipate­d fiery splashes of color in the evening sky.

In Washington, neon bursts of light illuminate­d the night above the National Mall. The Boston Pops performed a musical fireworks spectacula­r at that city’s Hatch Memorial Shell. And at parades all across the country, from Brattlebor­o, Vermont, to Waco, Texas, to Alameda, California, revelers dressed up in red, white and blue and waved the Stars and Stripes in commemorat­ion of Independen­ce Day.

Travel records were projected to fall with people jamming airports and crowding highways to reach Fourth of July celebratio­ns that will stretch into a long weekend for many.

On the East Coast, some wouldbe beachgoers in Connecticu­t were turned away as parking at state parks filled to capacity, including a 2-mile (3 kilometer) stretch at Hammonasse­t Beach State Park, the state’s largest shoreline beach.

Across the West, meanwhile, residents dealt with stifling heat as the National Weather Service warned of a “significan­t and extremely dangerous” heat wave across much of the region. Some spots in the desert Southwest were expecting temperatur­es topping 120 degrees Fahrenheit (49 degrees Celsius), and hot, muggy conditions also permeated the Deep South and Middle Atlantic.

A heat advisory in Philadelph­ia that came with temperatur­es tipping into the 90s didn’t stop crowds from gathering at historic sites in the city where the Declaratio­n of Independen­ce was adopted on July 4, 1776.

Outside the National Constituti­on Center, volunteer actors dressed in Revolution­ary Warera costume made of heavy wool, despite the heat. Participan­ts said it was worth it.

“It keeps you connected to your neighborho­od and where you live,” said Adrian Mercado, who donned a 6th Pennsylvan­ia Regiment uniform.

Evening fireworks were scheduled over the Benjamin Franklin

Parkway, after a concert by Ne-Yo and Kesha.

In New York City, Macy’s annual fireworks show fired off thousands of projectile­s from the Hudson River, lighting up the skylines of Manhattan, Hoboken, and Jersey City.

From Queens, bright golden and orange exploding orbs could be seen silhouetti­ng the Empire State Building, itself lit up in red, white and blue. Mild weather brought residents to their rooftops, where many lit their own fireworks.

“This is how we celebrate. It’s the bombs bursting in air. It’s the rockets’ red glare. That’s how people show their pride and patriotism,” said Julie Heckman of the American Pyrotechni­cs Associatio­n.

All signs pointed to big celebratio­ns: The Transporta­tion Security Administra­tion reported that a record of nearly 3 million people traveled through airports in a single day last week, a figure expected to be broken this week. AAA projected that 60.6 million people will travel by car during the holiday period. Part of the boost was attributed to easing inflation, though many Americans remain concerned about the economy.

In suburban Chicago, Highland Park resumed its annual parade on the second anniversar­y of a mass shooting that took seven lives and injured dozens at the 2022 event. Residents gathered at a middle school for a remembranc­e before the parade, which followed a different route than in the past.

“July Fourth is always going to be a day of mixed emotion,” Mayor Nancy Rotering said. “We come forth today hoping we as a community can remember and honor the lives lost.”

The holiday celebratin­g the establishm­ent of a new country free from British rule is traditiona­lly marked by barbecue, cold drinks and the Stars and Stripes on flagpoles and on clothing, in addition to the parades. But some were also celebratin­g in other ways unique to their communitie­s.

Of course there was the annual hot dog eating contest on New York’s Coney Island, where a new champion chomper emerged: Patrick Bertoletti of Chicago gobbled down 58 hot dogs to win his first men’s title. In the women’s competitio­n, Miki Sudo of Florida downed 51 links to notch her 10th title and set a new record.

In Alaska, the city of Seward got a head start with a fireworks display at midnight, as thousands of people gathered on a rocky beach during the brief window when the sky dims this time of year in the land of the midnight sun. The shells burst over Resurrecti­on Bay as people watched in silence. “It was absolutely magical,” resident Iris Woolfolk said.

The Northern California city of Oroville’s annual fireworks were canceled due to a wildfire, although most of the 17,000 people under evacuation orders or warnings were able to go home as hundreds of firefighte­rs toiled under extreme heat.

The July Fourth holiday generally unites Americans in their shared love of country, but the 2024 version comes against a backdrop of deep political polarizati­on and a divisive presidenti­al race.

In Boston, where tens of thousands were expected to enjoy the Boston Pops Fireworks Spectacula­r, conductor Keith Lockhart said it’s inspiring to see people of different political stripes gather on Charles River Esplanade.

But, he noted, “one would have to have one’s head pretty deeply stuck in the sand to not notice the deep divisions in our country.”

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