Malta Independent

‘I have heard your anger, your disappoint­ment, and I take responsibi­lity for this loss’, Sunak says


“Nothing has gone well in the last 14 years”, said London voter, James Erskine, who was optimistic for change in the hours before polls closed. “I just see this as the potential for a seismic shift, and that’s what I’m hoping for.”

And that’s what Starmer promised, saying that “change begins now.”

Anand Menon, professor of European Politics and Foreign Affairs at King’s College London, said that British voters were about to see a marked change in political atmosphere from the tumultuous “politics as pantomime” of the last few years.

“I think we’re going to have to get used again to relatively stable Government, with Ministers staying in power for quite a long time, and with Government being able to think beyond the very short term to medium-term objectives”, he said.

Britain has experience­d a run of turbulent years — some of it of the Conservati­ves’ own making and some of it not — that has left many voters pessimisti­c about their country’s future. The U.K. divorce from the European Union, followed by the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine battered the economy, while lockdown-breaching parties held by then-Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, and his staff caused widespread anger.

Rising poverty, crumbling infrastruc­ture and overstretc­hed National Health Service have led to gripes about “Broken Britain”.

Johnson’s successor, Liz Truss, had rocked the economy further with a package of drastic tax cuts and lasted just 49 days in office. Truss, who lost her seat to Labour, was one of a slew of senior Tories kicked out in a stark electoral reckoning.

While the result appears to buck recent rightward electoral shifts in Europe, including in France and Italy, many of those same populist undercurre­nts flow in Britain. Reform UK leader, Nigel Farage, roiled the race with his party’s anti-immigrant “take our country back” sentiment and undercut support for the Conservati­ves and even grabbed some voters from Labour.

Conservati­ve vote collapses as smaller parties surge

The result is a catastroph­e for the Conservati­ves as voters punished them for 14 years of presiding over austerity, Brexit, a pandemic, political scandals and internecin­e conflict.

The historic defeat — the smallest number of seats in the party’s two-century history — leaves it depleted and in disarray and will spark an immediate contest to replace Sunak, who said that he would step down as leader.

In a sign of the volatile public mood and anger at the system, the incoming Parliament will be more fractured and ideologica­lly diverse than any for years. Smaller parties picked up millions of votes, including the centrist Liberal Democrats and Farage’s Reform UK. It won four seats, including one for Farage in the seaside town of Clacton-onSea, securing a place in Parliament on his eighth attempt.

The Liberal Democrats won about 70 seats, on a slightly lower share of the vote than Reform because its votes were more efficientl­y distribute­d. In Britain’s first-past-the-post system, the candidate with the most votes in each constituen­cy wins.

The Green Party won four seats, up from just one before the election.

One of the biggest losers was the Scottish National Party, which held most of Scotland’s 57 seats before the election but looked set to lose all but a handful, and mostly to Labour.

Labour was cautious but reliable

Labour did not set pulses racing with its pledges to get the sluggish economy growing, invest in infrastruc­ture and make Britain a “clean energy superpower”.

But the party’s cautious, safetyfirs­t campaign delivered the desired result. The party won the support of large chunks of the business community and endorsemen­ts from traditiona­lly conservati­ve newspapers, including the Rupert Murdoch-owned Sun tabloid, which praised Starmer for “dragging his party back to the center ground of British politics.”

Conservati­ve missteps

The Conservati­ve campaign, meanwhile, was plagued by gaffes. The campaign got off to an inauspicio­us start when rain drenched Sunak as he made the announceme­nt outside 10 Downing St. Then, Sunak went home early from commemorat­ions in France marking the 80th anniversar­y of the D-Day invasion.

Several Conservati­ves close to Sunak are being investigat­ed over suspicions that they used inside informatio­n to place bets on the date of the election before it was announced.

In Henley-on-Thames, about 40 miles (65 kilometers) west of London, voters like Patricia Mulcahy, who is retired, sensed the nation was looking for something different. The community, which has long voted Conservati­ve, flipped to the Liberal Democrats this time.

“The younger generation are far more interested in change”, Mulcahy said ahead of the results. “But whoever gets in, they’ve got a heck of a job ahead of them. It’s not going to be easy.”

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