Malta Independent

The government needs to conclude the MCAST negotiatio­ns


The chaos being caused at MCAST is a problem that the government needs to solve, and fast.

It is absolutely true that the students are the ones bearing the brunt of the directives issued by the Malta Union of Teachers. But this does not mean that the union is mainly to blame. Far from it. It is absolutely unfair that the collective agreement expired over two years ago. The educationa­l institutio­n and the authoritie­s need to find agreement with the union over a new one.

The directives, which have been in effect since 10 May, meant that staff were, amongst other measures, ordered not to divulge assessment marks to students and the college itself.

The MUT had already issued similar directives back in January, but suspended them as talks seemed to progress. However, progress has halted, leaving the MUT to issue renewed directives.

This newsroom spoke to a number of students, who were rightly concerned about the situation. “I know nothing about my marks… I’ve just been told that we cannot do much due to the directives,” one student said when asked about communicat­ion from lecturers. “It’s very stressful and demotivati­ng.” Another student said: “It has stressed me out and has become bad for my health, both physically and mentally. It is also making me worry about my future at MCAST.”

The teachers’ union, of course, has the right to issue directives. Even more so when, again, the collective agreement expired over two years ago and no new agreement has been found.

But at the same time one must keep the students’ wellbeing in mind. Perhaps the union could relax some measures to do with the exam results? After all, not knowing one’s marks is extremely stressful for a student.

On the other hand, the educationa­l authoritie­s responsibl­e for not concluding the negotiatio­ns carry a major part of the responsibi­lity for the situation.

Educators deserve to have good wages. They are the most crucial part of the educationa­l system. Lecturers must not be seen as the bad guys in this situation. They care about their students. It is unfair that they are being put in the situation they are in because the educationa­l authoritie­s have failed to reach an agreement on collective agreement negotiatio­ns. They have a right to have a new collective agreement.

The education authoritie­s need to conclude negotiatio­ns with the union, no ifs and buts. The current situation is unfair on lecturers and students.

This is not the only issue in the education sector either, as the issue regarding a collective agreement for school educators and others that has not yet concluded.

 ?? ?? Skaneatele­s High School graduates jump into the lake as part of a long tradition at the conclusion of the 74th annual commenceme­nt at Clift Park in Skaneatele­s, New York. Photo: Kevin Rivoli/The Citizen via AP
Skaneatele­s High School graduates jump into the lake as part of a long tradition at the conclusion of the 74th annual commenceme­nt at Clift Park in Skaneatele­s, New York. Photo: Kevin Rivoli/The Citizen via AP

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