Malta Independent

Police Commission­er says his contract has been recommende­d for renewal


Police Commission­er Angelo Gafà has said that his contract has been recommende­d for renewal by the government.

Speaking to journalist Julian Delia from the Critical Angle Project outside the law courts on Tuesday, Gafà confirmed that his contract as Police Commission­er had elapsed, but said that the indication­s were that it was set to be renewed.

“I received an email from the Permanent Secretary which says that they had made a recommenda­tion for my contract to be renewed,” Gafà said.

Gafà was appointed as Police

Commission­er on 23 June 2020, and was the first to be appointed using a new system which saw scrutiny from Parliament’s Public Appointmen­ts Committee.

At the time, the PN had boycotted the meeting in protest of the manner of the appointmen­t, even though it had been welcomed by the Venice Commission.

More recently, the PN had said that Gafà’s contract should not be renewed, pointing towards what it terms to be a number of grave shortcomin­gs which had “led to a lack of justice and enforcemen­t of the law, as well as great frustratio­n for serious officers who wanted to perform their duties.”

Gafa has also been on the receiving end of criticism from civil society movements, with the NGO Repubblika being at the forefront of this. The NGO has consistent­ly said, particular­ly in the past weeks, that Gafà is obstructin­g justice in high-profile cases.

Honorary Repubblika president Robert Aquilina reacted to the news of Gafà’s seemingly impending renewal by describing it as “bad news for the police and for Malta.”

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