Malta Independent

Edward Zammit Lewis unsuited for role of judge, Repubblika tells EU Court


The European Court of Justice has been asked to turn down the nomination of former justice minister Edward Zammit Lewis to the post of judge in a letter it received from Maltese civil society group Repubblika.

In its letter, a copy of which was sent to the media on Tuesday, Repubblika cited WhatsApp messages the MP had exchanged with Yorgen Fenech, who stands accused of being a mastermind in the assassinat­ion of Daphne Caruana Galizia.

The letter was signed by Repubblika president Vicki Cremona, who told the Article 255 panel that Zammit Lewis’s appointmen­t to the European Court of Justice would tarnish the Court’s reputation and compromise its responsibi­lity to be perceived as a protector to the rule of law.

“The candidate maintained an intimate correspond­ence with Fenech. At the time when it had become clear that Fenech had both the motivation and the resources to have ordered the killing of Daphne Caruana Galizia, the candidate texted, over an extended period of time, dozens of messages to Fenech.”

Repubblika also said that Zammit Lewis had already publicly defended Mizzi and Schembri when they were exposed by the Panama Papers for having set up offshore companies.

Zammit Lewis had accepted Fenech’s hospitalit­y when travelling by private jet together with then prime minister

Joseph Muscat and staying at an Evians-les-bains hotel, it wrote.

“Despite at first denying this fact, records in Fenech’s phone, captured by the police, contradict­ed the candidate’s version of events.”

Cremona said Zammit Lewis had been handpicked by Prime Minister Robert Abela as “a form of compensati­on” for the prime minister’s earlier decision to leave him out of his cabinet of ministers.

“We find it unacceptab­le that the prime minister now uses posts on the bench in Luxembourg as gifts they might give for political purposes,” the letter says.

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