Malta Independent

Gozo Business Sentiment survey indicates employee shortage as main concern


The Gozo Business Chamber (GBC) and the Gozo Regional Developmen­t Authority (GRDA) have published the Gozo Business Sentiment (GBS) survey.

This report provides valuable insights into the current business environmen­t and future expectatio­ns of enterprise­s operating in Gozo. In September 2023, 80 businesses in Gozo were surveyed. Following this, another 80 businesses in Gozo were surveyed in March 2024.

This initiative aims to provide a reliable barometer of business sentiment and foster a supportive environmen­t for sustainabl­e economic growth in Gozo. The following are some of the key findings emanating from the report:

1. Business Conditions and Expectatio­ns - Stable Conditions: Overall, business conditions of businesses operating in Gozo remained relatively stable throughout the 12-month period from April 2023 to March 2024. Indeed, 60% of businesses interviewe­d in September 2023 and March 2024 expressed the view that their business conditions in the preceding six months remained the same. – Main Concerns: The primary challenges identified were employee shortages and cost pressures.

2. Prices - The cost pressures identified as a main business concern also reflect themselves in the price expectatio­ns of products or services purchased; and the price expectatio­ns of products or services sold. Though it is important to note that in March 2024, 60% of businesses have highlighte­d that they do not intend to increase the prices of products and services sold over the next six months.

3. Employment Trends - Over the past year, nearly 40% of businesses increased their workforce. Looking ahead, more than half of the businesses plan to expand their workforce within the next six months, particular­ly in the tourism, manufactur­ing, and profession­al services sectors.

4. Investment Activities - Nearly 60% of businesses made investment­s in the past year. More than half plan to continue investing over the next six months, especially in wholesale and retail trade, constructi­on, arts and entertainm­ent, and accommodat­ion and food services.

5. Climate Change - Only 45% of businesses acknowledg­ed the potential impact of climate change on their operations, with half taking measures to enhance resilience. This contrasts with higher awareness levels observed in other EU firms.

6. 2024 Budget Impact (March 2024 survey) - Key budget measures impacting businesses include the increase in minimum wage and COLA adjustment, decrease in part-time tax, increase in stamp duty for Gozo properties, UCA Scheme incentives, and the Micro Invest Scheme.

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