Malta Independent

Team Alliance win Cawnpore Cup


Team Alliance won the Cawn‐ pore Cup when they beat Veuve Cliquot 9‐6 in a highly contested game.

This was one of the biggest events of the year organized by the Malta Polo Club in collabora‐ tion with EquestriMa­lta and which also closed a very busy season.

For Team Alliance, Greg Gera and Matthew Borg stood out after scoring three goals each with Martin Arrigo scoring a double and Martin Arrigo who combined the score for his team.

Veuve Cliquot always remained in the game with Karl Galea scor‐ ing four goals while Jeremy Be‐ sancon and Jean Vella were also among the scorers.

Team Alliance consisted of Matthew Grech, Matthew Borg, Greg Gera and Martin Arrigo while Team Veuve Cliquot had Jean Vella, Karl Galea, Julian Mamo and Jeremy Besancon.

In the Novice Cup, Team Fines‐ tral beat Schweppes five and a half points to four.

Team Finestral started with an advantage of a point and a half with young player Bradlee Far‐ rugia who scored four goals and with Simon Psaila who hit the target twice.

Chris Delia scored a hat trick for Team Schweppes.

Umpires for these two games were Chris Wightman and Nano Iturrioz.

At the end of the activity there was the presentati­on of the tro‐ phies by the acting president of Malta Dr Francis Zammit Dimech in the presence of the chief exec‐ utive of EquestriMa­lta Max Zam‐ mit as well as the highest officials of the Malta Polo Club.

This activity was also charac‐ terized by entertainm­ent activi‐ ties that brought a nice attendance of 3000 people to the Malta Equidrome.

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