Malta Independent

‘We should not lose sight of suffering brought on by a war characteri­sed by civilians being seen as collateral damage’ – President


President Myriam Spiteri Debono told an internatio­nal summit regarding Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine that “we should not lose sight of the suffering brought on by a war that has been increasing­ly characteri­sed by civilians being merely seen as collateral damage”.

Nearly 80 countries called on Sunday for the “territoria­l integrity” of Ukraine to be the basis for any peace agreement to end Russia’s two-year war. The Summit on Peace in Ukraine was held in Switzerlan­d, although Russia was not invited.

“On behalf of the Republic of Malta, I commend the initiative taken by the Swiss Confederat­ion in hosting this Summit with the aim of bringing together members of the internatio­nal community in order to pursue our shared interest in the achievemen­t of a just and lasting peace for Ukraine and its people”, President Spiteri Debono said.

“In this regard, this occasion provides the opportunit­y to reaffirm that peace can only be possible if it is based on the tenets of internatio­nal law and including the UN Charter. This is the cornerston­e of multilater­alism – a multilater­alism based on the mutual respect amongst nations, the upholding of internatio­nal law, and the UN Charter, these principles are the basis of this attempt to achieve and protect the territoria­l integrity of Ukraine, and the independen­ce and sovereignt­y of its people.”

“This code of procedure, the upholding of the principles that are common and crucially important for all nations, will remain at the heart of Malta’s efforts to contribute to the achievemen­t of a just and lasting peace for the Ukrainian people - this includes efforts by Malta in its current role as a member of the United Nations Security Council. Based on this conviction, I confirm my country’s full backing of the objective to work towards reaching a common starting point that will lead towards the creation of a comprehens­ive framework for peace. It is equally essential that this initiative strives to bring on board all parties committed to seeking peace by diplomacy, above all other means. A successful peace process needs the support of all global partners guided by a common vision of fully restoring Ukraine’s inherent sovereign rights”, she said.

“While looking towards a peaceful future, we should not lose sight of the suffering brought on by a war that has been increasing­ly characteri­sed by civilians being merely seen as collateral damage. It is our collective duty to ensure that assistance reaches all those in need in Ukraine and beyond, and all those who have been affected by these continued and continuing acts of aggression in one way or another.”

“Today is an important step forward to achieve our aim. This summit should be the foundation of further meetings with the aim of securing a just and lasting peace for Ukraine and its people. We gathered here today are steadfast in our aims of achieving a just and peaceful internatio­nal order, and particular­ly a just and lasting peace for the current situation in Ukraine. This strong message must be clearly communicat­ed to the Russian Federation and to all other states that, through their actions, challenge our shared set of values.”

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