Malta Independent

AG and Police Commission­er are sabotaging hospitals case with their absence – Robert Aquilina


Attorney General, Victoria Buttigieg, and Police Commission­er, Angelo Gafà, are sabotaging the hospitals court case with their absence, Repubblika Honorary President, Robert Aquilina, said on Wednesday.

He said that neither party was seen in court on both court arraignmen­t dates, Tuesday and Wednesday. Aquilina stated that both parties are compromise­d and offer the “biggest insurance for the biggest political criminals in our country”.

Aquilina was asked by journalist­s in Valletta on Wednesday afternoon whether he was pleased with the prosecutor­s’ performanc­e in court up to that point. Former Prime Minister, Joseph Muscat, and others on Tuesday, and Central Bank Governor, Edward Scicluna, and former Deputy

Prime Minister, Chris Fearne, on Wednesday, appeared in court to face charges following the conclusion of a magisteria­l inquiry into the deal which saw three public hospitals passed on to be operated by the private sector.

Aquilina noted that in other cases of lesser significan­ce, yet still important, both the AG and the Police Commission­er were present, guiding the prosecutio­n in court. This time, both chose not to be in the courtroom.

He referenced former AG Anthony Borg Barthet and former Police Commission­er, John Rizzo, personally guiding the prosecutio­n against former Judges, Noel Arrigo and Patrick Vella, after they were charged with taking a bribe to decrease a sentence in a drug dealing case.

Aquilina believes that such a high-level case should not be handled by subordinat­es, but should be represente­d by the top agents in both institutio­ns.

Speaking about the court order on Tuesday, described by Joseph Muscat as a ‘gag order’, Aquilina said that it wasn’t as Muscat said it was. “What the order was that what has to happen in court, happens in court. It is not true that there is a general ban.”

Aquilina, responding to a separate question, said that it was confirmed in court on Tuesday that if it wasn’t for Repubblika asking for the magisteria­l inquiry, “the police Force weren’t going to conduct any investigat­ion, and in fact didn’t carry out any investigat­ion. Even after we asked for the magisteria­l inquiry, Police Commission­er, Angelo Gafa, and his predecesso­r, Lawrence Cutajar, still had an obligation to investigat­e.” He said that they had “abdicated from their responsibi­lity.”

Aquilina said that the accused facing criminal charges over the past two days over the three hospitals’ deal should have been arrested by the police, and not summoned in a letter sent three weeks beforehand.

He said that the police should show up unannounce­d, arrest the accused and interrogat­e them, then bring them to Court with urgency.

Aquilina was asked about the need for journalist­s to have police protection over these two days, where he said that the situation simply should not be.

“The existing danger with regards to journalist­s exists because we had the Prime Minister underminin­g them, and painted them like he painted the judiciary, as enemies of the public”, Aquilina said.

He said that Muscat, and Robert Abela after him, have let impunity reign in the country.

Aquilina said that when the stories the media publishes, just as journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia had done, are not investigat­ed, journalist­s are being put in danger.

“In a normal country, even in Malta, whoever is accused of a crime, meaning Muscat, and members in the clique of the criminal and Mafia organisati­on, is arrested, and not given a threeweek pre-announceme­nt, but rather are interrogat­ed and brought to Court with urgency”, Aquilina said.

He said that unfortunat­ely, Police Commission­er, Angelo Gafa, and Attorney General, Victoria Buttigieg, wanted the accused to have their supporters.

“They wanted a crowd and put police officials who were protecting journalist­s and activists with all they could in danger too. They do not need to confront a crowd of angry people incited by the Prime Minister”, Aquilina said.

He said that there is an existing fight between institutio­ns, as the executive led by Abela is attacking other organs of the state, namely the judiciary and the media.

It was revealed by a witness in Court on Tuesday that there was no independen­t police investigat­ion, which Aquilina said was “obscene”, reminding that the public inquiry into Caruana Galizia’s assassinat­ion said that Muscat had created a state of impunity in the country, which led to the murder in that criminal manner.

He said that impunity continues to reign today thanks to Abela, Gafa and Buttigieg. Aquilina continued that on Tuesday, the Maltese public had truly started to understand that the Mafia in Malta does exist.

Aquilina also said that Abela is weak, and is nothing but “a puppet in the hands of Muscat”.

“Abela is not fulfilling his duties, he is irresponsi­ble, is not protecting citizens, and is only interested to save politicall­y. He is not capable of putting his foot down and taking a political stance on behalf of his party”, he said.

Aquilina continued that Abela should take the necessary steps to kick Muscat out of the Labour party, just as Schembri and Mizzi were, after all, removed.

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