Malta Independent

President says nobody should provoke or fall for provocatio­n


In a message that can be taken to refer to Tuesday’s arraignmen­t of former Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, President Myriam Spiteri Debono said that nobody should provoke others or fall for provocatio­n.

She said that both the Prime Minister and Opposition Leader have called on people not to fall for provocatio­n.

Over the past days, there have been calls for people to show solidarity with Muscat as he is criminally charged in court following the conclusion of the magisteria­l inquiry into the hospitals’ deal.

In her message, President Spiteri Debono did not mention Muscat or his arraignmen­t, but her words are easily understood to be making reference to it.

She said that every citizen is free to act within the rights afforded by the Constituti­on.

She expressed her confidence in the police, but said that nobody should contribute to disturb the “normality as a result of situations arising”. It would be in everybody’s interests that the police are not exposed to situations outside their normal duties, she said.

She again appealed for everyone to allow the judicial process to flow serenely. Our laws, she said, guarantee and safeguard the interests of all those who face charges in court. Time and again, our judiciary have shown that they are loyal to the laws of the country and are capable of being impartial.

Nothing should be done to cause harm to others or to the country, she said.

On another note, Spiteri Debono said that both big parties are urging the people to vote in the European and local council elections.

Democracy starts from the vote, and the people’s will is made manifest in elections. Citizens should not throw away this basic right. If they do that, they will be allowing others to decide, she said.

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