Malta Independent

‘The interest of our country should come first and foremost’, Grech tells MCESD


Opposition Leader, Bernard Grech, told social partners in the Malta Council for Economic and Social Developmen­t (MCESD) that the interest of the country should come first and foremost, and if this is not given importance, everyone will be affected regardless of which sector.

Grech was leading a PN delegation in a meeting with MCESD members, where the discussion revolved around the local realities that everyone is living in, which the PN said is leaving Malta with a negative reputation in the eyes of other countries.

He recalled the serious accusation­s faced by various individual­s “close to Prime Minister Robert

Abela’s Government”, among them being former Prime Minister, Joseph Muscat, former Deputy Prime Minister, Chris Fearne, Governor of the Central Bank, Edward Scicluna, and Permanent Secretary, Ronald Mizzi.

The aforementi­oned and others are facing criminal charges of fraud, misappropr­iation or money laundering, among others, after the magisteria­l inquiry into the Vitals’ case was concluded.

“Abela’s leadership ended up throwing away the separation of powers, something that is jeopardizi­ng the democracy of our country”, Grech said.

He pointed out that Abela’s attacks on the media and the judiciary are underminin­g people’s trust and is very dangerous, as people are feeling increasing­ly uncomforta­ble facing the Maltese Courts.

Considerin­g all this, the Nationalis­t Party called the meeting in order for the country not to continue to “sink lower due to Abela’s and his Cabinet’s irresponsi­bility”.

Throughout the meeting, Grech was accompanie­d by the Deputy Leader of the Nationalis­t Party, Alex Perici Calascione, PN MPs Ivan Castillo, Jerome Caruana Cilia, Graham Bencini, Alex Borg, Adrian Delia, Mario de Marco, and Robert Cutajar, as well as PN MEP candidate, Louise Anne Pulis.

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