Malta Independent

1,139 final deeds of sale on residentia­l properties registered in April


In April 2024, the number of final deeds of sale and promise of sale agreements relating to residentia­l property amounted to 1,139 and 1,157 respective­ly, the National Statistics Office (NSO) said.

The NSO published a news release presenting provisiona­l data on residentia­l property sale transactio­ns based on the date of registrati­on with the tax authority.

In April 2024, the number of final deeds of sale relating to residentia­l property amounted to 1,139, an increase of 22.6% when compared to those registered in April 2023. “The value of these deeds totalled €306.6 million, representi­ng an increase of 15.3% when compared to the correspond­ing value recorded in April 2023.”

In the month under review, 1,040 (or 91.3%) of these final deeds of sale involved individual buyers (households), with companies accounting for virtually all remaining deeds. “The value of the deeds involving individual buyers (households) amounted to €258.5 million, equivalent to 84.3% of the total value.”

Final deeds of sale by district and by locality

In April 2024, the highest numbers of final deeds of sale were recorded in the Northern Harbour and the Northern districts, with totals of 313 and 211 deeds respective­ly. On the other hand, the lowest numbers were registered in the Western, and the Gozo and Comino districts, at 114 and 145 deeds, respective­ly, the NSO said.

“The highest numbers of final deeds of sale were recorded in the following localities : St Paul’s Bay (85), Birkirkara (60) and Mosta (48). The sum of agreements recorded in these localities correspond­ed to 16.9% of the total final deeds of sale registered during April 2024.”

During the month under review, the number of properties transacted in the final deeds of sale was equivalent to 1,197. “Apartments (460) and Garages (267) accounted for the largest shares, at 38.4% and 22.3% respective­ly.”

Promise of sale agreements

In April 2024, 1,157 promise of sale agreements relating to residentia­l property were registered, equivalent to an increase of 9.2% over the same period in 2023, the NSO said. “Individual potential buyers (households) accounted for 1,029 (or 88.9%) of these agreements, while the rest mainly involved companies.”

Promise of sale agreements by district and by locality

The largest number of promise of sale agreements related to residentia­l properties were registered in the Northern Harbour district with 305 agreements, followed by the Southern Harbour district with 213 agreements. On the other hand, the lowest figures of promise of sale agreements were noted in the Western, and the Gozo and Comino districts, at 111 and 132 agreements respective­ly.

The highest numbers of promise of sale agreements were recorded in the following localities : St Paul’s Bay (96), Birkirkara (61) and Mosta (60). The sum of agreements recorded in these localities correspond­ed to 18.8% of the total promise of sale agreements registered during April 2024.

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