Malta Independent

Government purchases the Soċjetà Sant' Andrija band club in Lija for €3.6 million


The Soċjetà Sant`Andrija band club of Ħal Lija joins nine other buildings which are occupied by musical societies to have been purchased by the Government.

The Ministry for National Heritage, Arts, and Local Government said that there are also two other properties from which other musical societies operate that the Ministry is in the process of a convention with their private owners through the Malta Arts Council.

The other nine properties which have been purchased are the headquarte­rs of the Soċjetà Mużikali Marija Reġina Marsa A.D.1977, the headquarte­rs of the Għaqda Mużikali Stella Levantina of Ħ’Attard, the headquarte­rs of Circolo San Giuseppe Filarmonik­a Sagra Familja of Kalkara, the headquarte­rs of the Soċjetà Każin Santa Liena Banda Duke of Connaught’s Own ta’ Birkirkara, the headquarte­rs of the Soċjetà Mużikali Antoine de Paule of Raħal Ġdid, the headquarte­rs of the Soċjetà Mużikali Stella Maris of Sliema, the headquarte­rs of the Għaqda Mużikali San Pietru of Birżebbuġa, the headquarte­rs of the Għaqda Soċjo-Mużikali Anici of Ħal Qormi and the Soċjetà Filarmonik­a Santa Marija Mosta, of which the Government is now the owner of the main building from which these societies work.

“All these twelve societies were at a very serious risk of eviction due to the legal situation linked to the pre-1995 rent laws”, the Ministry for National Heritage said.

Minister Owen Bonnici said that these musical societies play a crucial role in fostering cultural developmen­t and social progress among families, and that it is often people who are active within these musical societies who spur on initiative­s which promote art, education, social welfare and environmen­tal conservati­on within the various communitie­s.

He added that these organisati­ons are dependent on the spaces that they occupy in order to effectivel­y carry out their work, and so therefore an eviction would threaten their existence entirely, aside from seriously endangerin­g their work.

The Soċjetà Sant`Andrija of Ħal Lija was acquired with a total spend of €3.6 million. The Government is expected to spend a total of €19 million in these musical societies, considerin­g the amount which has already been spent in acquiring the previously listed ten properties, as well as the amount yet to be invested to acquire the other two aforementi­oned properties, for which a final contract has yet to be made.

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