Malta Independent

KSU calls for accountabi­lity and the publicatio­n of Vitals inquiry


University student representa­tive body KSU on Friday called for the magisteria­l inquiry into the Vitals deal to be published.

In a statement on its Facebook page, the KSU said that it believes in the importance of the public’s right to have access to the inquiry in its totality, and added that “the country has a right to be fully informed about a fraudulent deal resulting in unjustifie­d enrichment”.

KSU also condemned Prime Minister Abela’s statements implying that the Courts had been influenced by political considerat­ions. It added that Abela’s remarks that these conclusion­s should be considered with scepticism and doubt are dangerous, and that his comments that the inquiry was concluded at the same time of the launching of the candidates for the EU and local elections is irresponsi­ble.

The student organisati­on said that it demands accountabi­lity. It continued that while it fully believes in the presumptio­n of innocence and in one’s right to a defence before an independen­t court, “those implicated in serious offences cannot legitimate­ly hold public office”. It said that those implicated are expected to shoulder their political responsibi­lity and resign from their position pending the outcome of a trial. “Failure to do so should prompt the Government to demand their immediate resignatio­n itself.”

It said that allowing individual­s who are criminally implicated for fraud, corruption and money laundering to retain their respective positions is unacceptab­le. Furthermor­e, KSU added that a situation like this poses significan­t security risks.

As part of its statement, KSU said that it especially takes note of Edward Scicluna, who currently holds the position of Governor of the Central Bank, along with his seat on the Governing Council within the European Central Bank.

KSU also said that Deputy Prime Minister, Chris Fearne, should resign. The KSU statement was issued before Fearne had announced his resignatio­n.

KSU said that this is a matter beyond partisan politics. “The student body takes these accusation­s seriously and demands that those implicated shoulder their political responsibi­lity while due process unfolds. This is essential for the strength of our political and institutio­nal system in which public trust is attributed.”

The statement was endorsed by a number of other student organisati­ons and NGOs.

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