Malta Independent

‘Stay on’, ‘You did the right thing’ – mixed reactions follow Fearne’s resignatio­n


Comments under now former Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne’s resignatio­n post on Friday showed an abundance of mixed reactions by the public.

Fearne received several comments of support and disappoint­ment over his resignatio­n, as well as comments of respect for showing great integrity, honesty and gentlemanl­iness for being the only one of the accused who resigned, and setting an example.

Others called for the resignatio­n of the other individual­s mentioned in the criminal charges last Monday. “That’s what gentlemanl­iness calls for. However, if you had to resign due to ulterior motives of others internally, they have the duty to carry the responsibi­lity too”, one comment said.

Several were disappoint­ed, describing Fearne as one of the few good Ministers left, “for Labour to maybe not remain as dirty as it is now”.

Some were just angry, saying that it was not right for Fearne to have had to set himself aside due to others’ partisan motives. Others said that Fearne has given them the satisfacti­on of resigning, possibly referring to the PN’s calls for his resignatio­n.

Many comments thanked the former Deputy Prime Minister for his work and honesty, expressing that while they felt sorry for the decision he had made, they respected it. Many said that they did not agree with the resignatio­n, and that the Prime Minister should not accept it.

Some said that the country still needed a man like Fearne, and that it was a pity he had resigned.

A few of the comments, while not the majority, said that Fearne should have resigned earlier, and that all those facing criminal charges should also follow.

Another comment said that, with him (Fearne) as Prime Minister, the country would have been in better hands.

Fearne had lost the Labour Party’s leadership election to Robert Abela back in January 2020, despite having been widely tipped as the favourite to succeed Joseph Muscat, who has also been charged.

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