Malta Independent

Gozo Minister says proposed uprooting of trees in Marsalforn is to make room for cycle lane


The proposed uprooting of trees and the uptake of land along the Marsalforn road is mostly to make room for a proposed 2.5metre cycle lane, stretching approximat­ely 4 kilometres, Gozo

Minister Clint Camilleri said in Parliament.

During his interventi­on in parliament, following a question by PN MP Beppe Fenech Adami, the minister said that about 45% of the reported 11,000 square metres of agricultur­ally viable land to be used forms part of the Ġorġ Pisani Road, which is already a schemed road. He said that even

if it weren’t listed in this project, it would still have been slowly developed.

Following meetings with Din lArt Ħelwa and the Gozo Regional Council, the minister stated that they agreed that the main characteri­stic of Marsalforn Road - trees in the central strips and on the side of the road - should be retained.

Din L-Art Ħelwa Gozo had expressed several reasons why the project should be postponed and amended. These reasons include the unnecessar­y negative impact on the Marsalforn Valley and road, and the lack of assurances about the safety of the valley watercours­es and reservoirs. Additional­ly, the NGO stated that traffic congestion in that area is practicall­y non-existent, and that profession­al resurfacin­g and removal of two dangerous spots would be sufficient.

Camilleri stated that despite the government having an approved planning permission for the project, it has already updated its constructi­on drawings following consultati­ons with both entities. He added that there might have been some misunderst­anding in the process, because despite the ministry sending the updated drawings to both entities, these were still not updated on the PA’s website.

He noted that Din l-Art Ħelwa has expressed an inclinatio­n for the cycle lane not to happen, to safeguard both the trees and the land. The minister said that if the cycle lane were not to happen, this could be an opportunit­y to afforest the area with more trees. However, he mentioned that on the other hand, the GRC has expressed an opinion favouring the cycle lane, as the stretch which goes along approximat­ely 4 kilo

metres might present itself as the only opportunit­y for a person to travel from one village to the next through an alternativ­e method of transporta­tion.

On Monday, a Din L-Art Ħelwa official said that the NGO is hopeful that discussion­s with the Ministry for Gozo and Planning ultimately prove fruitful and that amendments to the project plans which adequately address people’s concerns are finalised and made official.

Regarding the Ġorġ Pisani Road, the Minister said that there was unanimous agreement between both entities, the Victoria Local Council, and the government. Hence, the project on this part of the road will commence, while further meetings are scheduled before further decisions are made regarding the developmen­t within Marsalforn Road.

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